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Zelenskyy complains about lack of help during flood news

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has criticized international aid organizations for their alleged passivity after the disaster caused by flooding caused by a dam explosion. “Each person killed is a judgment call for the existing international architecture, for international organizations that have forgotten how to save lives,” he said in his video diary last night. He did not say how many Ukrainians died in the floods.

Thanks to Erdogan and Macron

Instead, he spoke of 2,000 people who were rescued in the Ukrainian part of the Kherson region, which was particularly hard hit by the floods. However, the situation is difficult in the Russian-occupied part of the area. Zelenskyy accused Russian troops of abandoning people there – and torpedoing Ukrainian rescue attempts. In this context, he criticized international aid organizations such as the Red Cross, which he considers should be more active in this region.

On the other hand, he thanked the bilateral commitments of foreign aid. He called French President Emmanuel Macron and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and discussed concrete offers of help, he said.

Expected rising water levels

After the destruction of the Kakhovka dam, Ukrainian authorities expect that water levels in the Kherson region will continue to rise. The water will rise another meter this morning, Kherson military administration spokesman Olexandr Tolokonnikov said on Ukrainian television on Wednesday. The dam continues to break. Around 42,000 people are affected, and serious damage to the environment is expected. Russia and Ukraine blame each other for the disaster.

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