FAO proposes to produce process and distribute food safely

FAO proposes to produce, process and distribute food safely

Food insecurity poses a threat to human health and the economy as the number of foodborne illnesses increases

The FAO presented an initiative aimed at operators in the food sector.

With approximately 600 million cases of foodborne diseases annually, the FAO on Wednesday launched an initiative aimed at operators in the food sector to safely produce, process and distribute food.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) wants to introduce instruments that make it easier to comply with hygiene regulations, ensure safe production and distribution and thus protect consumer health.

This toolkit is aimed at all operators, both on farm and further along the value chain, regardless of size and location.

It is based on the Codex Alimentarius (Latin for Food Code), a collection of guidelines managed jointly with the World Health Organization (WHO) that aim to protect people’s health and promote fair practices in the food trade.

For example, it provides guidance on personal hygiene, what instructions should be given to external visitors entering a food production facility, the proper procedure and frequency of hand washing, and suggestions for appropriate clothing.

According to the FAO and WHO, food insecurity poses a threat to human health and the economy given the high number of cases of foodborne illness, and disproportionately affects vulnerable and marginalized people, especially women and children, conflict-affected populations and migrants.

It is estimated that 420,000 people die each year worldwide after eating contaminated food, and children under the age of five carry 40 percent of the burden of foodborne illness, with 125,000 people dying each year.

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