Nude photos in an English pub A nudist couple causes

Nude photos in an English pub: A nudist couple causes a stir in the middle of dinner

A naturist couple has caused a stir in Burnham-on-Sea, UK, when they turned up in the middle of dinnertime, naked, to order food at a family pub.

“Terrible. If you want to go to a family run pub with average food and staff serving a naked man accompanied by a naked woman then this is it. I took my parents with me. “Outraged,” raged one customer after giving The Railway a star on TripAdvisor last Friday.

She’s not the only one to complain on Friday after a couple of nudists, both naked as worms, showed up to order food in the middle of the rush hour around 6pm, The Sun reported on Wednesday.

“There were several families with children in the pub including us so it was not appropriate to serve them. We decided to leave and find another place to eat. Unfortunately, another family couldn’t because they had already ordered,” she commented briefly and said to herself “wordlessly” and “very disappointed”.

The venue responded to comments by saying that the two “charming and suave” nudists Neil Cox, 34, and Danielle Quiggan, 35, had previously called the pub to ask if they could show up on the premises in their simplest attire, to enjoy a meal.

“We are definitely a family pub and we pride ourselves on that and pride ourselves on being inclusive to everyone. I have three young children myself and I don’t see that as a problem,” the restaurant’s manager replied on TripAdvisor, reminding that naturalism is legal in the UK.

The couple, in turn, are said to have made more than 500 visits to shops and restaurants with hair, according to Somerset Live, without ever provoking a negative opinion.

“Danielle and I find it really unfortunate that in 2023 individuals are attacking a small business that is trying to show acceptance and tolerance,” the 30-year-old said.