videos War in Ukraine Counter offensive in Kiev tests Russian

videos. War in Ukraine: Counter offensive in Kiev tests Russian defenses, Leopard tanks are sighted

After several weeks of announcing advances around Bakhmout, Ukrainian operations have been intensified since Monday. For the reference magazine Defense and International Security, “the dynamic phase of the Ukrainian counter-offensive seems to have begun”, with breakthroughs of several kilometers. And Russians, who for the first time in a long time recognized losses in people and materiel.

Despite total media blackout from Ukrainians, who have pointed out in a clip since Sunday that “the plan requires silence”, two sectors appear particularly concerned.

In the south, exactly between Zaporizhia and Donetsk, a Ukrainian advance of three brigades, that is, ten thousand men, accompanied by armored vehicles, would have advanced ten kilometers in the direction of Mariupol and the Sea of ​​Azov.

To the east, in the Donbass, advances would continue around Bakhmout, a martyr town that had recently fallen into Russian hands. The northern salient would have been returned to Kiev forces. Ukrainian “reconnaissance units deployed” designed to test the Russian defense system, which would therefore have been breached in places.

Ukrainian advances not without casualties. Those who attack are taking more and more risks, and Kiev’s armed forces have neither air nor artillery superiority. Tank columns even locked themselves in minefields.

Setbacks, such as those suffered by Ukrainians near the villages of Zaporizhia, Novodarivka and Novodonesk on Sunday, pictures of which the Kremlin released and which raise some doubts among observers,

On the Russian side, resistance must be put up while the armed rebels still occupy villages in the Belgorod border region, forcing the army to leave task forces in this sector far from the front lines.

Leopard in sight?

The destruction was possible thanks to the delivery of a large number of high-quality materials by the West to Ukraine. With the famous Leopard tank spearheading the media. A small-batch armored vehicle that the Russians – probably wrongly – boasted they had destroyed, despite apparently mistaking it for combine harvesters…

Since then, however, some images could indicate that they were present on the battlefield just a few months after their delivery. The images were taken in the Orekhovo sector and suggest that fierce fighting is indeed taking place in the Zaporizhia region. With German tanks that seem to be in bad shape.