Mayo Zambadas message which appeared on a Paco Stanley broadcast

Mayo Zambada’s message, which appeared on a Paco Stanley broadcast

The documentary El Show, chronicling a murder, revealed this moment on TV

The documentary El show: crónica de un asesinato showed a special moment in the Pácatelas program, because during a broadcast PacoStanley Read the greeting of a character associated with the drug trade, ie Ishmael May zambada.

The news raised suspicions that the drug dealer and his family were in the public eye, so the fragment of the documentary went viral on social networks after its premiere on the Vix+ platform; However, the probability that the leader of the Sinaloa cartel was actually present at the recording is practically nil Mike Vigilformer Drug Enforcement Administration agent (dea) from the United States.

In the clip, the charismatic presenter read out a few requests from the public before going on the air. In one of them he mentioned:

Paco Stanley read a message from El Mayo (Twitter/@PacorroStanley//US Department of State Office)

“Receive a small gift from your friend Mayo Zambada from Culiacán, your family and children are here… please…”

Before Paco could finish, he interrupted himself and adopted an attitude of obvious nervousness, since at the bottom of the card was a note not to read the message publicly: “I’ve already burned everyone here and… Who is May , where.” he said, addressing those present. Behind him, Mario Bezares He burst out laughing at the embarrassing moment.

The camera panned to the back rows of the forum and a woman raised her hand, a few seats to the left was a man with a mustache and black hair who had an indifferent expression on his face. Some netizens assured that this topic would indeed be about El Mayo.

The man in the blue shirt and mustache was highlighted for his similar looks (screenshot from Vix+)

On Twitter, many people posted the video fragment, writing messages like “They revealed El Mayo was on Paco Stanley’s show,” “No wonder the little bag was in full swing,” and “Warning is not deceptive.” The chapter in which the fragment appeared was the second, entitled “Hart and Direct”.

However, Mike Vigil told Infobae México that he found it unlikely that this man was El Mayo, given that in his interview with Julio ShererThe leader of the criminal group mentioned that he was afraid of being captured, so he decided to spend his life in the mountains, away from everyday activities and behave inconspicuously in front of the world.

Mayo Zambada would not have participated in this program as it would be inconsistent with the fact that he held back

In the interview with journalist Julio Sherer, El Mayo mentioned that he could never accompany his family to birthday parties, saints’ days, XV anniversary celebrations or cakes for children, since they are held in public places that he doesn’t dare to go to. go. When specifically asked about his capture, the ringleader mentioned that it could happen “anytime or never.”

Additionally, Virgil asserted that El Mayo was very smart to volunteer on a broadcast with cameras and national scope, as it would involve massive disclosure of his identity and location. The former agent of dea has more than 30 years of experience, 13 of them in Mexico.

In an interview with Julio Sherer, Ismael Zambada assured that he was very afraid of being locked up and that he was constantly afraid. This journalistic text was published in Proceso magazine on April 4, 2010.

Paco Stanley made “risky” comments according to Alfredo Adame (Twitter @GilbertoBrenis)

While there’s no way El Mayo participated in studying the Pácatelas program, it is a fact PacoStanley He read the salutation, which he apparently wrote, and explained that after his assassination, some investigative lines pointed to alleged links to drug trafficking. Alfredo Adamewho participated as an interviewee in the documentary El show: crónica de un asesinato, mentioned that Paco always made “risky comments” about the viral fragment.

The TV presenter suffered an attack while eating in a restaurant on June 7, 1999, but his death sparked suspicions, including among his colleagues Mario Bezares and Paola During They were reported for alleged responsibility.