Three hikers are brutally attacked by a goat

Three hikers are brutally attacked by a goat

Three hikers, one of whom lost consciousness, were brutally attacked by a goat in Spain.

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According to Andalucia Today, they are three isolated events but the same angry goat.

The tourists were rescued in a steep area of ​​Trevélez by the Guardia Civil, who determined that they were in fact the same animal.

The first incident happened on May 28 and involves a 64-year-old Dutch woman who fell off a 20-metre cliff trying to escape the wild animal.

The woman then radioed for help and spent the night trapped on the side of a hill suffering from hypothermia.

Later, two Belgians were twice injured by the animal and then found by a shepherd.

One of them was unconscious at the time of the rescue.

Experts say the goats could be more aggressive than usual due to the current breeding season.