Lebanon demands Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories

Lebanon demands Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories

In the presence of the Head of Mission of the International Command, Aroldo Lazaro, and the Israeli Defense Forces, the Lebanese delegation claimed the land of the Shebaa farms, the Kfar Shuba hills and the outskirts of the city of Mari, which includes part of the urban expansion of the city of Ghajar; and 13 regions on the Blue Line.

During the meeting, Lebanon blamed the Tel Aviv entity for persistent violations of its sovereignty by land, sea and air; and urged the United Nations to apply maximum pressure to stop them.

He stressed the need to remove the barbed wire recently erected by the Zionist enemy in the area where Lebanon reserves the line of retreat at Adayseh.

He also called for the dismantling of the fence erected by the Zionist army on the hill of Ras al-Naqoura and the wall erected at the northern entrance of the railway tunnel in the same area between Lebanon and occupied Palestine.

The Lebanese mission reiterated its commitment to UN resolutions, particularly 1701 and its provisions, to ensure the country’s peace and security.

Since the end of the war in southern Lebanon in 2006, 161 regular tripartite meetings have taken place under the umbrella of UNIFIL, which represent an essential means of conflict resolution and confidence-building.

Through its liaison and coordination mechanisms, the United Nations Interim Force is the only forum through which the Lebanese and Israeli armies meet officially.

The two countries have been in a war situation since the establishment of the State of Israel in the occupied land of Palestine and in all these years numerous crimes and attacks have remained in the memory of the Lebanese people in view of Tel Aviv’s conquering ambitions, the waters of the Litani River and the oil and gas wealth.
