1686592109 Two more days of storms and the heat will come

Two more days of storms and the heat will come

Two more days of storms and the heat will come

This Monday and Tuesday we have two more days of showers and storms ahead across much of the Peninsula and Balearic Islands, which may be locally heavy and accompanied by hail. But from Wednesday the high pressure area is coming and with it the sun and the heat. “There will be a few days, probably by the weekend, with increasingly rising temperatures and a hot environment, typical of this time of year or even slightly warmer than normal in some areas,” says Rubén del Campo, spokesman for the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET). , to indicate in detail that on Friday and Saturday it could reach 38 ° in the pans of the country, the Guadiana and Guadalquivir valleys. However, it does not seem to be permanent, as it is possible that “on Sunday and early next week instability will increase again and temperatures will drop”.

Stormy showers are expected this Monday afternoon that could hit much of the northern, central and eastern half of the peninsula, some heavy and with hail. The temperatures remain unchanged. On Tuesday, Del Campo said, “there will be a thermal receding that is most pronounced in the eastern interior of the peninsula.” The cause will be “a small dana — an isolated low-pressure area at high altitudes, so an air bubble at high altitudes Layers of the atmosphere – which will cross from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, overflying the northern half.” In its wake it will leave showers and storms that can become almost generalized across the peninsula and reach the Balearic Islands with the possibility of being locally severe and cause hail, particularly in the Cantabrian Sea and in the Pyrenees surrounding the Iberian system and coastal areas of Catalonia. . On the other hand, they will be unlikely in Extremadura and in the south and west of Andalusia.

As of Wednesday, the weather changed “with the arrival of a ridge — a tongue of warm air associated with high pressure — that will stabilize the atmosphere for a few days.” The result is that “the sun is shining, temperatures are rising” and the storms will generally stop, although there may be some stormy showers in the Balearic Islands as there will still be remnants of instability, which cannot be ruled out in Catalonia. It will also rain in eastern Cantabria. In the rest of the country there could be an isolated storm in the afternoon, but “much less frequently and more violently than in the days before”.

Highs will rise across the board, an increase that “will be more noticeable in the western half of the peninsula, where the increase could be as much as 5 or 6 degrees compared to Tuesday,” notes the Aemet spokesman. In large parts of the north-east and parts of Galicia, in the west of Castile and León, in the middle and in the south of the peninsula and on the Balearic Islands, 25° is exceeded. In the Guadalquivir Valley and in areas of Malaga, the temperature can be around 34°.

Thursday and Friday will be “calm days” with partly cloudy or clear skies, although there may still be some rain in the Bay of Biscay on Thursday. In addition, there may be isolated and scattered showers in the afternoon on both days, more likely to be seen in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. The thermal rise will continue and there will be tropical nights with minimum temperatures above 20° in some parts of the Mediterranean coast. “It is likely that on Friday in Barcelona, ​​​​Alicante or Malaga it will not drop below 22°,” points out the expert.

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As for the maximum values, 25° are exceeded in an almost universal way and 30° in the valleys of the Ebro, Tagus, Guadiana and Guadalquivir, as well as in the interior of the Mediterranean regions, at points in southern Andalusia and even 30° In the Cantabrian municipalities will reach or exceed 34°/35° in much of Extremadura and Andalusia, and cities like Badajoz, Córdoba and Seville will be around 38°. These are “normal values ​​for the season in most of the peninsula, except inland in the Cantabrian municipalities and Andalusia, where they will be between 5° and 10° above normal,” contextualizes the meteorologist. The game will be repeated on Saturday and even “there could be another rise in temperature, which is more pronounced in the extreme north of the peninsula”.

At the same time, it is possible that on Sunday “instability will increase due to the approach of a low pressure area from the Atlantic”, which could lead to showers in the northwest of the peninsula, which could spread to the rest of the central north in the following days, accompanied by one temperature drop.

The trade wind regime will prevail on the Canary Islands in the next few days and will cause cloud cover in the north of the islands. Temperatures remain stable between 20° and 22° at dawn and between 25° and 27° in the middle hours of the day.