Joe Biden hosts the President of Uruguay in the US

Joe Biden hosts the President of Uruguay in the US at an event unannounced by the White House

Lacalle Pou is trying to find a middle ground between the US and China, its main export customers for commodities and software

Luis Lacalle Pou

247 Lacalle Pou stopped in Washington en route to New York where he is scheduled to attend an event in his honor tonight (13) being organized by the Americas Society, an education group.

According to Bloomberg, Joe Biden will hold a brief meeting with Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou at the White House this Tuesday (13) as part of an unannounced visit. According to the media, Lacalle Pou is looking for a middle ground in the dispute between the US and China, its main export customers for commodities and software.

The Uruguayan president has expressed interest in finalizing a free trade deal with Washington while slamming the northern superpower for failing to understand Latin America’s strategic importance.

In 2021, the Uruguayan government opened trade negotiations with China, but Beijing suspended the negotiations due to opposition from Uruguay’s regional trading partners; Argentina and Brazil.

At the Southern Summit in Brasilia in May, Lacalle Pou made clear his position on the Lula government’s proposed return of Montevideo to the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). The Uruguayan leader opposed the creation or reinstatement of an Unasurlike body. According to him, this type of forum promotes “ideological clubs”.