On World Blood Donor Day, the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, sent a message of appreciation via his official Twitter account: “To all the people who, with this simple gesture, are saving thousands of lives. Let’s celebrate the day and join such an altruistic action,” said the Cuban President.
In the city of Havana there are 47 health centers and institutions that send voluntary, special or plasma donations to the provincial blood bank in order to achieve a quality process that ensures the functioning of the national health system. Journalist Gisela García Rivero came to this reference point in Havana and told the story of a family of donors, the Caribbean Channel reported in a special.
Driven by the example and legacy of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, who stretched out his arm to donate blood during the 1970 earthquake in Ancash, Peru, Cuba has played an important and meaningful role in this regard. Blood donation campaigns in support of vulnerable people were carried out in the country, which was supported by thousands of people, including young people who were willing to help.
The anniversary is a sign of gratitude to all who support and save lives with every altruistic gesture, because donations are essential for treatments and urgent interventions, increasing hope and quality of life for patients with life-threatening diseases, and enabling complex medical and surgical interventions to be carried out Measures.
World Blood Donor Day is about supporting the development of systems and infrastructure aimed at increasing blood donations and safe blood products for transfusion, with the support of governments and health authorities.
According to Prensa Latina, this date also commemorates the birth of Karl Landsteiner, an Austrian pathologist and biologist who discovered and typed blood types, for which he received the 1930 Nobel Prize in Medicine.
In accordance with this historical fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) created the anniversary, which this year has the motto “Donate blood, donate plasma, share life, share it often”.