Verónica Macías recalls a tough moment in Paco Stanley’s life

Veronica Macías / Cortesía

Veronica Macías / Courtesy

Verónica Macías reappeared on the show Venga la Alegría to talk about some of the life stories she shared with the late TV presenter Paco Stanley after commemorating 24 years after his tragic death.

After expressing his admiration, affection and respect for his colleague, Macías recounted one of the most difficult moments he had with Stanley during the time they worked together on the small screen, after confirming that he was having the children of the moderator had dealt with.

Veronica Macías with Paco Stanley / Cortesía

Verónica Macías with Paco Stanley / Courtesy

“Of course I’m not in touch with them, I met their first son Paco, RIP, who died when we were on the ‘Ándale’ show, a very handsome boy who went to the studio every day… he died. “ gone and there was a time when we saw a Paco we didn’t know, imagine that! His son died crying, sad, faded, in terrible pain, he shut himself up, didn’t give programs, so I started hosting the ‘Ándale’ program with Arleth Garibay when he left because he was mourning his son”. he said.

On the other hand, when Vero was reminded of all the crossroads Paco’s associates endured following his assassination, she opened up and said she was lucky not to be her colleague at the time.

Gaby Ruffo, Paco Stanley, Veronica Macías and Benito Castro / Cortesía

Gaby Ruffo, Paco Stanley, Verónica Macías and Benito Castro / Courtesy

“I thank God for one thing that I stopped working with Paco many years ago. I thank God because everyone who was close to him was dirty and even went to prison. I hadn’t seen Paco for many years before, so I was.” “I’m not involved in any of this, thank God, and the truth, how awful! What a pity! What a horror! Guilty or not, they were put in jail and how awful!” he declared.

Macías had only good words for his relationship with Mario Bezares, who has been identified as one of the suspects in Stanley’s death.

Veronica Macías / Cortesía

Veronica Macías / Courtesy

“See, it’s not just the bond that unites us both, Mario Bezares became my great friend before Paco died… I lived with Mario Bezares for two months, just open your eyes and there was Mario and good night and me went with Mario because we were doing a theater tour, so we lived in a bus full of theater actors, then we traveled all over the country with the theater group, and there was Mario Bezares, El “Flaco” Ibáñez, Héctor Soberón and I. was the actress in this play. That’s how we became very close friends and Mario was always nice to me and smiling and he even paid for what I drank, very nice Mario Bezares,” he explained.

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In conclusion, the communicator expressed her admiration for Stanley as well as her respect for everyone involved in the unfortunate event. “No one will forget our precious Paco and we are not here to blame anyone. I really want to tell you that Paco is resting in peace. I will always be grateful, always because he gave me the opportunity to go on TV. ” he concluded.


‘It was torture’: Mario Bezares reveals how he felt after watching the Paco Stanley documentary