Maria De Filippi doesnt make discounts They ended badly

Maria De Filippi doesn’t make discounts: ‘They ended badly’ | e’s who it is Metropolis News

Maria De Filippi (Mediaset Infinity image) –

The queen of Mediaset programs ignores diplomacy and speaks plainly: No indulgences for these people.

Known for her brilliant career on the small screen, Maria DeFilippi it is an example of elegance and unwavering composure. Even when he finds himself in difficult situations, De Filippi manages to get to the point most of the time without batting an eyelid.

It’s clear that he sometimes has to beat about the bush in order to prioritize concepts, and he’s done that on a number of occasions when dealing with the protagonists of You have mail or the ladies and knights of men and women. However, the presenter often chooses to have difficult personalities around her.

One of them is represented by Alessandra Celentano, nephew of Adriano Celentano, Dancer and choreographer that we saw interacting with Maria especially during the talent/reality show Friends, where very young dancers and singers compete against each other in their respective disciplines.

As a coach and judge Alessandra Celentano has never skimped on harsh judgments about boys and girls participating in amici, sometimes in the wrong way, especially regarding the dancers, since that is his area of ​​expertise. Maria often disagreed with the former dancer, and in this case she chose the cutie to explain the reasons.

Maria De Filippi: The Power of Words

“Whatever stage one is in life, there is always something to learn” explains Maria De Filippi, preparing for a reflection aimed at Celentano’s behavior. “And maybe we have to set now and again in conversation“, she continues, no doubt referring to the judge’s harshness and rigidity and her way of dealing with students.

We must remember “not to think of being custodians of the world and of knowledge,” repeats Maria, adding further: “Sometimes when judging, It’s one thing to express an opinion, it’s one thing to make a sentence, to make a judgement“. Celentano listens with a frown, and when he tries to interrupt the interlocutor, he fails, perhaps given the objective wisdom of his words.

Alessandra Celentano in the Instagram video listening to Maria De Filippi (Instagram profile picture love_with_love) –

“We are human beings”

“People who thought they knew everything ended badly”, says Maria, the words fall between her and Celentano with difficulty. “We are human beings“, remembers Maria, “and so too Objectivity becomes subjectivity“.

The presenter’s reflection is impeccable and symbolic, considering that Celentano’s attitude, appreciated by many people, is actually such and such an attitude only thought the company focuses on. It’s certainly important to remember, even in programs that aren’t particularly extensive the meaning of kindness.