Guilbault is at the top of the list of successors

Guilbault is at the top of the list of successors to Legault

After more than 22 years in politics, we can say that François Legault knows her well.

He knows how the machine works, what power games are taking place there, what rivalries there are.

So, in front of the podium last week, François Legault knew he had to judge his future categorically: “Wait for me to be here for a long time! “I’m having ‘fun’,” the prime minister said, adding everyone with a smile, “Don’t worry, be happy.”

A journalist asked him the killer question: “Is this message for us or for the person on your right?”

The person on his right? Genevieve Guilbault. The person on his left? Simon Jolin-Barrette. A beautiful staging of the future, isn’t it?

The Prime Minister seemed to be saying to his two dashing and ambitious comrades: I know you want my spot, I was behind me too, but be patient, I’ll be there for a long time…

For François Legault, whose highest function was never declassified, he left the Parti Québécois and founded the CAQ. The rest is history.

Opinion poll

Only the prime minister knows when he will end his political career. But the future is coming fast, said René Lévesque.

To understand this future, we asked the following question: “In your opinion, will the following personalities one day, even in a very long time, be Prime Ministers of Quebec?” »

Result: The CAQ has a clearly identified runner-up.

It was the person standing to the Prime Minister’s right: Geneviève Guilbault.

Forty percent of Quebecers see her as prime minister one day. This result is impressive.

The minister is definitely walking on water these days, although she still had to walk on paint during the third link and setbacks at SAAQ.

It is even more impressive when compared to the other two identified dolphins, Simon Jolin-Barrette and Bernard Drainville, and Christian Dubé.

At SJB, 12% see him as prime minister. His “repeal” at the start of his second term has something to do with him previously described as the prime minister’s henchman, accumulating files: secularism, language, immigration, the judiciary, parliament leader. .

His duties have since gotten much thinner without anyone understanding why.

For Bernard Drainville, this result is obviously the result of what should be called a tumultuous return to politics. Only 8% for those who “saw themselves already at the top of the bill”.

The Department of Education, which has become a bear trap for political careers, looks like a poisoned gift to Drainville.

clash of visions

Back to Genevieve Guilbault. People are already working for them behind the scenes. The minister undoubtedly has impeccable image and panache.

His ability to practice communicative judo in any situation is almost like magic.

But beyond communication, I still find it difficult to understand the main and strong principles of their involvement. Put simply, why is she above her personal ambitions in politics?

The CAQ remains a coalition that at times looks more like a bazaar than a political party.

But between a self-confident nationalist, Simon Jolin-Barrette, a former PQ, Bernard Drainville, and a former Liberal, Geneviève Guilbault, not only will politicians compete for the throne, but also wildly different visions of Quebec and its future.


Genevieve Guilbault40%
Paul St-Pierre Plamondon34%
Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois33%
Christian Dube24%
Marwah Rizqy12%
Simon Jolin Barrette12%
Eric Duhaime11%
Bernard Drainville8th %
Marc Tanguay8th %

Methodology: A web survey of 1041 Quebecers aged 18+ was conducted June 9-11, 2023 using LEO’s online panel.

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