A China began a 10,000 meter deep excavation, the second largest in direction The center of the earth. The project is being carried out in the Tarim Basin in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in the northwest of the country.
Operations began at the end of May. The project will cross 10 continental layers until the planned route is completed. Although drilling in China is extensive, it is still far from the center of the earth and is not the deepest on the planet.
In the late 1980s, the defunct government of Soviet Union drilled a hole that reached 12,000 meters above the surface on the Kola Peninsula in Russia. Even if it was the largest of all times, this endeavor also ended far from the core of the planet.
The Excavation of China and the Center of the Earth
The central point is 6.3 million meters deep. In other words, to get there, the Russian pit would have to be about 520 times larger and the Chinese 630 times deeper.
Aerial photo of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region drilling project | Photo: Xinhua/Li XiangStill, reaching a depth of 10,000 meters is not an easy task. “The construction difficulties of the drilling project can be compared to a large truck running on two thin steel cables,” Sun Jinsheng, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, told the state news agency. Xinhua. Equipment for the company weighs 2,000 tons and emerges from the excavation China extends towards The center of the earththe ground pressure increases.