Ireland attracts people with unusual offer freizeitat

Ireland attracts people with unusual offer

O irish government thought of something, because they would like to populate the many islands in the country. There are 154 of them. Many are remote, a little desolate and, above all, almost completely deserted. With the project “Our Living Island“The country’s government now wants to turn the tables and attract people to inhabit 23 of the 154 islands.

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You’re probably wondering how they’re going to get someone to take that offer. Quite simply: with money. Those interested can 80,000 euros to win. However, this is not welcome money, but a subsidy with which empty, dilapidated houses will be restored.

But, as always, there is a catch. In order to apply for the money, the interested party must already own a house on one of these islands. However, that was not the end of the conditions. The home must also have been built before 1993 and have been empty for at least two years. Also, the money paid can only be used for specific things: insulation, structural improvements, but also other renovation works like floor repair, painting and the like.

However, the action is nothing new. A similar project called Croi Conaithe already exists for the continent. Those interested receive less money here than with the island project. This is justified by the lack of infrastructure on the islands.

The government also hopes that home improvement will also improve infrastructure, health care, educational opportunities and internet coverage in the long term.