Bangladesh: Executioner Released to Execute Other Prisoners

06/18/2023 19:24 (act. 06/18/2023 19:30)

Shahjahan Bhuiyan (2nd from left) leaving prison ©APA/AFP

An executioner jailed in Bangladesh has been released after executing more than two dozen other prisoners in exchange for a reduced sentence. Authorities said the man was released from prison on Sunday in exchange for executing several murderers and scammers. Shahjahan Bhuiyan has executed a total of 26 people since he was arrested for murder 32 years ago.

Bhuiyan had highlighted his lasso handling skills to officials early in his arrest. “His sentence has been reduced to hanging,” said Dhaka Central Prison Deputy Chief Tania Zaman. Bhuiyan told reporters, “The authorities took care of my comfort and gave me recognition.” He said he “had fun” in prison.

Among those executed were military officers convicted of masterminding a 1975 coup and killing the country’s founding father, the father of current Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

According to human rights groups, there are currently more than 2,000 people on death row in Bangladesh, including hundreds of Islamic extremists. Bangladesh is one of the few countries that still carry out executions by hanging. All hangmen in Bangladesh, like Bhuiyan, are long-term prisoners who have been selected and trained.