Rai between news and few confirmations Maggioni comes via Annunziata

Rai between news and (few) confirmations. Maggioni comes via Annunziata, Report instead of Fazio. This is Tele Meloni

Rai3 Sunday changes, Rg1 Mattina changes. Moderators and journalists have been exchanged, relocated and possibly returned. Meloni’s Post-Fuortes Revolution in Rai begins to come alive between parades and news. The latter includes the idea that a Monica Maggioni the hole that was left Lucy announced. The face of Agorà is also changing, led by the internal journalist until the end of the month Monica Giandotti and the Sky journalist could end up on Rai Robert Inciocchi, author of the interview with the Prime Minister on the last day of the tenth anniversary of Fratelli d’Italia. AND Serena Borton? It could be she running the Sunday Parole, the format of Massimo Gramelliniin the band spanning from the end of the evening news to the beginning of the early evening, leaving Rai1 in the early afternoon Catherine Balivo. Then there are those who dream of (and are working on) Fiorello’s return to Rai 1. In short, Tele-Meloni is taking shape amidst various innovations and some confirmations.

Tg1 tomorrow

The first revolution takes place in Rai 1. From tomorrow, Monday 19 June, the new morning that the new director decided will begin Gian Marco Chiocci. In the first part (from 7.30 a.m. to 8.00 a.m.) space for a detailed analysis with the most important news of the day and with a fixed space with the cartoonist Osho. From 8.30 a.m., after the 8 p.m. news, a light moment begins with guests and personalities from show business, culture and sport. It starts tomorrow amadeus, then Gigi D’Alessio, Pupi Avati, Nek and Renga and an interview with Elon Musk, the Twitter and Tesla tycoon, which Meloni received at the Palazzo Chigi last week. The new face of the management is that of Giorgia Cardinaletti.

Sundays on Rai3

Rai3 Sunday is completely different. The government’s decisions have left gaps that need to be filled, such as that of Lucia Annunziata. And here is the solution. Former director of Tg1 Monica Maggioni could take the place of journalist of Mezz’ora in più early Sunday afternoon. The evening is over Fabio Fazio will go Siegfried Ranucci with reports. Gramellini could be replaced by Bortone if he leaves.

What is changing with Rai2?

Pierluigi Diaco’s BellaMè early afternoon broadcast (from 3pm to 5.30pm) seems confirmed. While moving from Rai2 to Rai3 Except Slim Leave the management of your affairs to you Tiberius TimperiHe ended the controversy with a week ago John Ippolitiwho left the studio accusingly The presenter snorted during his press review. In return, after 26 years, he is entrusted with his place at Uno Mattina in Famiglia Beppe Convertini.