1687063082 Influencers Social networks help them to physically accept themselves

Portrait of a typical influencer’s day – Le Journal de Québec

Given our meetings with 14 Quebec influencers, The newspaper chronicles a typical influencer’s day and reveals the reality of some of them.

• Also read: Instagram is where we find the most influencers… but TikTok is popular with young people

• Also read: Sarah Couture (@SarahCout): From Occupation Double finalist to online fashion star

• Also read: Eve Martel: She quit a $100,000 job to become an influencer

Between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m.: Like every morning, Lucie-Rose Lévesque sits down at her computer around 9 a.m. She checks her emails and responds to her community. She also contacts advertisers who contact her to work with her.

At this time the writing of the screenplays for paid partnerships also begins.

From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.: Shoot a video, whether for a paid partnership or to join your community. Influencers spend several hours a day creating videos. Culinary creative people in particular need between 2 and 6 hours to design and film the recipe.

Content creator Lucie-Rose Lévesque begins each day in her office in the basement of her Donnacona home.  She replies to her subscribers and presents her plan for the coming day.

Accompanied by her husband and videographer Martin Goyette, Frédérike Lachance-Brulotte, founder of Folks and Fork, is busy filming her recipe: a fruit salad with coconut dip. Photo Stevens Leblanc

Content creator Lucie-Rose Lévesque begins each day in her office in the basement of her Donnacona home.  She replies to her subscribers and presents her plan for the coming day.

After his idea for a healthy recipe has matured, the fit chef, whose real name is Jérémie Latreille, heads into the kitchen to shoot his video. Photo Martin Alarie

Content creator Lucie-Rose Lévesque begins each day in her office in the basement of her Donnacona home.  She replies to her subscribers and presents her plan for the coming day.

Claudie Mercier speaks daily to her subscribers on social networks, which she considers her “diary”. Photo Elisa Cloutier

Content creator Lucie-Rose Lévesque begins each day in her office in the basement of her Donnacona home.  She replies to her subscribers and presents her plan for the coming day.

Around 10 a.m., Mathieu Pellerin will be tuned in live to the Twitch platform, where he will remain for almost 11 hours. He discusses various topics with his subscribers, such as the news or the latest reality TV shows from Quebec. Photo Elisa Cloutier

4 p.m.: It’s time to edit. Most influencers estimate that it takes them one to four hours to edit their videos before posting them on their social networks. Most of the editing is done directly on the smartphone.

Content creator Lucie-Rose Lévesque begins each day in her office in the basement of her Donnacona home.  She replies to her subscribers and presents her plan for the coming day.

Folks and Forks culinary designer Frédérike Lachance-Turcotte does absolutely everything on her phone. She writes recipes and screenplays and shoots and edits her videos, which she then publishes on her Instagram and Tik Tok platforms. Photo Stevens Leblanc