Feijoo Macho violence is obvious

Feijóo: “Macho violence is obvious”

The President of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, this Monday in the SER referred to the demands of Vox, a party with which he has agreed on coalition governments of dozens of municipalities and in the Valencian Community, on sexist violence. Abascal’s party denies the violence and proposes reversing action to combat this scourge, which has murdered 22 women so far in 2023, as a condition of coalitions with the people. “Macho violence is obvious.” The obvious should not draw our attention, which is not in the lyrics. Not because the PP says it or Vox doesn’t like it or the Left likes it a lot, but because the judges say it and there are verdicts that prove it,” Feijóo said in an interview with Aimar Bretos on Hora 25. Meanwhile On the same Monday, the PP gave in to demands from Vox in Valladolid and Toledo to scrap the equality sections in their coalition government pact. Some portfolios already deleted from other town halls where the ultras and the people will govern together, such as those of Ciudad Real and Orihuela. In some of these town halls, the equality departments have been dispensed with and their role has been changed to that of the family. “Equality and family are not contradictory concepts, nor do families entail inequality. There are governments where the economy and the treasury go hand in hand, and in others they operate separately,” argued Feijóo.

The PP president has failed to confirm whether he will agree to a coalition government with Vox if the PP and the founding of Santiago Abascal have a sufficient majority to be sworn in as president after the July 23 elections. In his place, Feijóo insisted on his offer to Pedro Sánchez, President of the Executive and PSOE candidate, to govern the list with the most votes. “Spain deserves a solid government so as not to waste time. There is established populism in Europe, including in Spain. I propose that the party with the most votes should govern. If the PSOE doesn’t want you to rule with Vox, it’s simple: abstain. If the PSOE wins, I will abstain. I don’t want the independentists to govern in my country, nor the populists,” he said. “If the PSOE loses the elections, they must be repeated. And if the PP wins, can they not agree with anyone? “I can assure you that I will not agree with Bildu or the pro-independence parties,” said Feijóo, who on Monday announced whether he would succeed in La Moncloa as the highlight of his first 100 days in government to confiscate. One by one, review the statutes in which the Abertzale education was instrumental.

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Allocations to Abascal’s party on equality issues outpace city councils. Shortly before Feijóo’s interview on Cadena SER, the PP of the Balearic Islands and Vox signed a pre-agreement in which they agreed that the Ultra formation will chair the Balearic Parliament and that they will continue to hold talks to achieve the abstention required for them to engage the popular Marga Prohens as District President. The negotiations were developed in the afternoon, a few hours after the constitution of the Autonomous Chamber this Tuesday. The aim of the PP is to obtain an abstention from Vox in order to promote a sole government by Prohens, the list with the most votes in the islands on May 28th. The text of the agreement includes a section on “protecting women,” whom it refers to as “victims of domestic violence” without mentioning “macho violence,” it said Lucy Bohorquez.

In the Valencian community, where the PP has already endorsed the ultras, Vox regional deputy for Valencia and spokesman for the group in the last legislature, José María Llanos, reiterated that “sexist violence does not exist”. Some statements that led the leaders of the People’s Party to defend on social networks that they would not step back. “The future President of the Generalitat has accredited this in writing in a tweet. Mr Mazón has stated that he will not address sexist violence. Equality policy corresponds to President Mazón, not a council corresponding to Vox,” the PP leader defended himself. Referring to Vox Congress number one for Valencia Carlos Flores, who was convicted of sexist violence two decades ago, Feijóo said that “he went through a difficult divorce” which “coupled with verbal abuse towards his ex-wife”. . “He’s a professor of constitutional law, he’s TRUE. He’s served the sentence, that’s true. It’s true that it happened 20 years ago,” he said.

Regarding the measures that will be implemented in the event of arrival in La Moncloa, and in particular the successive increases in the interprofessional minimum wage, Feijóo explained that “the government has not made any efforts to raise the minimum wage, but the companies “so”. And then he realized: “Of the things that the government has done, it is the most sensible thing to do.” Regarding the bank tax, which the PP Deputy Economy Minister Juan Bravo announced this afternoon that it should not be abolished immediately , the PP boss has specified that “this bank tax will be due in 2023”. “I understand that Bravo has said that we will make a decision on the accrued tax in 2024. The introduction of a tax on the invoice and not on the profit is an innovation because there can be a company that charges a lot but charges “little”, has held.

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Feijóo did not want to reveal how much he earns in the performance of his duties, other than that he receives a salary as a senator and a supplement as president of the People’s Party. “Just like the Socialist Party,” Feijóo pointed out, stressing that the Spanish economy is “stagnating” because, in his opinion, despite an increase, GDP has not returned to 2019 levels. As for pensions, he has not commented on judging whether he will increase them or not, only that they will ensure their “sustainability”. Acting Finance Minister María Jesús Montero responded with a thread on Twitter, in which she reiterated: “The untruths that Feijóo is spreading about the Spanish economy disqualify him from the presidency of this country.”