acronym quotLGBTquot first used by the Vatican in an official

acronym "LGBT" first used by the Vatican in an official document. The beige lounge

Let ’em eat the word, they’ll swallow the thing“. This quote from Lenin has never been more relevant than for this unfortunate innovation that today rejoices all the progressive press:

Small revolution in the Vatican. The acronym LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans) was quoted for the first time in a text published on Tuesday June 19 (…) by the Catholic Institution. This “working document” is around sixty pages long and should be translated into French “in the coming days” is entitled Instrumentum laboris. It is intended to serve as the basis for the Youth Synod, which will meet in Rome from October 3rd to 28th. The latter goal: strengthening the role of young people in the church. This document is about the “relationship between young people and their families”, about “work and their insecurities”, “but also about music, sport, etc.”. emotional life“, says the newspaper.

In fact, we find this subversive acronym in paragraph 197:

Alcuni giovani LGBTthrough various contributions he has contributed to the Segreteria Generale del Sinodo, wanted to “favor a great pastor” and test a great pastor from the Church, in Alcune CE and questioned him because he “made a young man sign up for the manufacture to decide from paper”. Coppie omosessuali e, soprattutto, desiderano essere vicini alla Chiesa».

The train runs. Tomorrow the Vatican will be asked to add a +, then a queer, etc… It’s endless!