The Cuban writer Zoe Valdes candidate of the Vox party

The Cuban writer Zoé Valdés, candidate of the Vox party in Madrid

The Spanish party Vox has proposed the Cuban writer Zoé Valdés as a candidate for the upper chamber of the Senate of the Autonomous Community of Madridin view of the parliamentary elections on July 23, Europa Press reported.

The far-right group surprisingly included the author of “La nada quotidian” (1995), the novel that made her famous in Europe, where she emigrated after her exile in France in 1995, in its list of candidates. Two years later she received Spanish citizenship. There are also the French.

Vox has seen growing support, which was also evident in the recent municipal elections in Spain. Several of their politicians hold integrated governorships in autonomous communities and there is hope that their support of the Popular Party, which is practically the favorite in some polls, can help form a government in the Iberian country.

Valdés has been collaborating with La Gaceta de la Iberosfera since 2022, linked to Voxa year after his sacking as a columnist for the newspaper La Razón, allegedly because of an article belonging to Spanish Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska and journalist Elisa Beni, an employee of the media company with which he slammed scathing articles. Diary.

In 2019 The Cuban author confronted fellow writer Lucía Etxebarría on Twitter after she questioned an interview with Rocío MonasterioPresident of Vox in the Autonomous Community of Madrid and of Cuban origin, who defended that “strictly scientific content must be taught in schools”.

“This Cuban immigrant who has become a millionaire thanks to obscure real estate speculation now that she’s not coming to teach us the rest of what our children should learn,” Etxebarría asked.

With that in mind, Valdés asked: “Wash your pussy that stinks of Fana. Rocío Monasterio was born in Spain, and even if not, she’s Spanish. More Spanish than you.”

Among the awards and distinctions he carries are the Knight of Arts and Literature of France (1999); the Azorín Prize (2013) for his novel La mujer que llora and the Jaén Novel Prize (2019) for La casa del pleasure.