A crew member on Titans mother ship filmed the moment

A crew member on Titan’s mother ship filmed the moment the ship began its doomed descent to the Titanic wreck

The video captures the moment as the OceanGate Expeditions submersible began its doomed journey to the wreck of the Titanic, in selfie shots posted to TikTok.

Abbi Jackson, a 22-year-old videographer employed by the company aboard the mother ship Polar Prince, shared the short video before the ship disappeared.

The post, titled “Watch a submarine sink into Titanic,” pans away from the ship’s deck to show Titan some distance away on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.

Miss Jackson also filmed one of the sub’s passengers, Paul Henri Nargeolet, known as “Mr. Titanic”. The 77-year-old is seen sitting on the side of a dinghy before waving and smiling for the camera.

Miss Jackson has since shared her thoughts on the missing submarine on Instagram, where she thanked well-wishers for their concern and asked them to pray for the five people still missing under the Atlantic.

Abbi Jackson, a 22-year-old videographer on the mothership Polar Prince, shared a video of the Titan (seen here to the left of her camera) just before she went underwater

Abbi Jackson, a 22-year-old videographer on the mothership Polar Prince, shared a video of the Titan (seen here to the left of her camera) just before she went underwater

Miss Jackson also filmed one of the submarine's passengers, Paul Henri Nargeolet - nicknamed Mr Titanic - just before boarding the missing ship

Miss Jackson also filmed one of the submarine’s passengers, Paul Henri Nargeolet – nicknamed Mr Titanic – just before boarding the missing ship

Also on board were British billionaire explorer Hamish Harding, 58, UK-based businessman Shahzada Dawood, 48, and his son Sulaiman Dawood, 19, and OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush.

At 9:45 a.m. – one hour and 45 minutes after the start of the dive – it lost contact with its mother ship, the Polar Prince.

But it wasn’t until 5:40 p.m. eight hours later that the US Coast Guard reported it missing. The Canadian Coast Guard was only alerted later, on Sunday evening at 9:13 p.m.

Now experts say the crew, who were estimated to have about 40 hours of oxygen left on Tuesday, have a 1 percent chance of surviving.

“If I were advising the Prime Minister, I would say his chances are one percent,” said Lt. David Marquet, a former US Navy nuclear submarine commander, told this morning.

Last year, during a similar dive, the Titan lost communications with the mothership for two hours. It reappeared, and the mishap was jokingly documented by a CBS reporter who happened to be on board at the time.

The Titan submarine is shown on Sunday morning, seconds before it sinks around 8am with five people on board

The Titan submarine is shown on Sunday morning, seconds before it sinks around 8am with five people on board

The Polar Prince is the expedition ship used for the dives.  The Coast Guard was not alerted until 5:40 p.m

The Polar Prince is the expedition ship used for the dives. The Coast Guard was not alerted until 5:40 p.m

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: The Titan lost contact with the surface, causing panic.  All times are in BST, five hours ahead of EST.

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: The Titan lost contact with the surface, causing panic. All times are in BST, five hours ahead of EST.

Five ships located in the search area

Five ships are currently in the search area over the Titanic wreck, according to ocean tracking data.

Four other ships listed by the US Coast Guard are also en route to the area, according to Sky.

Currently at the wreck site are the ships Polar Prince, Deep Energy, Atlantic Merlin, Skandi Vinland and CGS Cabot.

Those described as “en route” include Canada’s CGS Ann Harvey, Canada’s CGS Terry Fox, Motor Vessel Horizon Arctic and France’s Research L’Atalante.

The company has yet to explain why it took so long to alert the Coast Guard when Titan lost communications on Sunday.

A statement Tuesday said: “For some time we have not been able to establish communications with any of our submersible reconnaissance craft currently visiting the Titanic wreck site.”

“Our entire focus is on the well-being of the crew and every possible step will be taken to bring the five crew members back safely.”

“We are deeply grateful for the urgent and comprehensive support we are receiving from multiple government agencies and deepwater companies as we attempt to reestablish contact with the submersible.”

“We are praying for the safe return of crew and passengers and will provide updates as they become available.”

“We haven’t even found her yet.” If so, I’d raise it to 15 percent.

“It’s grim — I don’t want to say it, but I’m trying to be realistic.”

‘miracles happen [like the Thai boys who were lost in a cave in 2015] but that is a different situation.

“It’s a desperate race against time.”

1687394674 205 A crew member on Titans mother ship filmed the moment OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush is believed to be on board as well

Paul Henri Nargeolet – known as “Mr. Titanic” – (left) believed to be participating in the expedition along with Stockton Rush (right), CEO of OceanGate Expedition

Among the expedition's participants is billionaire Hamish Harding (pictured), CEO of Action Aviation in Dubai.  He excitedly posted on social media that he was there on Sunday

Among the expedition’s participants is billionaire Hamish Harding (pictured), CEO of Action Aviation in Dubai. He excitedly posted on social media that he was there on Sunday

19-year-old Sulaiman Dawood, who went missing aboard the submarine, is pictured with his mother Christine

19-year-old Sulaiman Dawood, who went missing aboard the submarine, is pictured with his mother Christine

Shahzada Dawood, 48, (pictured with his wife Christine), a UK-based board member of the Prince's Trust charity, and his son Sulaiman Dawood, 19, are among five people missing from the submarine that was headed to visit the wreck of the submarine Titanic, was unveiled today

Shahzada Dawood, 48, (pictured with his wife Christine), a UK-based board member of the Prince’s Trust charity, and his son Sulaiman Dawood, 19, are among five people missing from the submarine that was headed to visit the wreck of the submarine Titanic, was unveiled today

He compared it to trying to find a “minivan” in the huge shipwrecks.

“The problem is that it’s most likely on the ground at this point because it hasn’t been found on the surface and doesn’t seem to be making any sounds, which suggests to me a pessimistic thought process that they can’t change on the hull.”

“We then talk about trying to find a minivan in the wreckage of the Titanic.”

“However, once they find it, we have to bring it to the surface, which means that if it’s somehow stuck in the Titanic, we either free it.”

“Or more likely: They’ve lost the ability.” [to surface]so we have to lift them up, which requires a ship with a 2.5 mile cable.

“The hardest thing will be getting a handle on it. It’s like that arcade game, except you can’t see anything, so paint the walls black and make it 2.5 miles long – and there’s wind in there, so it’s blowing around.

“All is not lost yet, they still have oxygen, but…imagine the submarine is on the other side of the moon – that’s a better representation.”

“Even if you find it, how do you get it back up? You can’t open it from the inside, it’s locked from the outside.’

Marquet lamented the fact that there are few, if any, other ships capable of diving to 12,500 feet to rescue them.

“The US and the Royal Navy have a long history of operating submarines and they don’t go as deep as these guys. You are in new territory. If our subs went that deep, everyone would be dead.

“The submarine would burst – there would be a rupture in the hull or a pipe would burst, it would fill with water and sink to the bottom.” And the pressure… everyone would die.’

“At that pressure, it’s 400 times the pressure at sea level.” That’s hard to imagine

“It would squash all the air in a room to the size of a trash can.” If there was a leak at that pressure, they’d be dead in no time.’

1687394681 435 A crew member on Titans mother ship filmed the moment

A frantic search is now underway for a 22-foot deep-sea vessel (pictured in this graphic) that disappeared with five people on board as it plunged towards the Titanic wreck site, who are now cut off from the world in claustrophobic conditions

Aaron Amick, a US Navy contractor and veteran, expressed his concerns.

“I know everyone is waiting for the US Navy to save the day, but our rescue submarine is limited to a depth of 2,000 feet.

“There is no one who can reach Titan, who can save Titan.” “Your only hope is to find a way to the surface on your own where we can help,” he said.

Amick likened the Titan to a “Grab” that was thrown into the water and had no emergency ventilators on board.

“They basically lock five people in a grave and drop it on the ground. “The crew never had a chance,” he said, adding that the occupants could only get out if they were on the surface.

He said he was assuming the sub was “lying on the ground,” well out of range.

“Power outage or structural failure are my two best guesses.” Both? “I’m sitting down anyway,” he said.

Rear Admiral John Mauger, who is coordinating the search, said Tuesday crews had been working “around the clock” to locate the ship.

“This is a complex case and the Coast Guard does not have all the resources to perform this type of rescue even though it is an area within our search zone,” he said during an appearance on Good Morning America Tuesday morning.

OceanGate is responsible for the underwater search, he said.

The company did not provide specifics on when the vessel went missing or when it was reported to the Coast Guard.