1687424787 Gas end of regulated tariff how to get the best

“Gas, end of regulated tariff, how to get the best contract? “. Editorial by Charles SANNAT Insolentiae

My dear impertinents, dear impertinents,

“May I be given the strength to endure what cannot be changed and the courage to change what can be, but also the wisdom to know one from the other.”

That’s what the Stoic philosopher and Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius said almost 2000 years ago. These thoughts for himself and for us have survived through the centuries and are still extremely relevant.

We can lament this together, and from a political point of view I am totally against it, not against some form of liberalization of the energy market in the sense that new energy producers could be allowed to enter the market, but that doesn’t do anything. This has nothing to do with the end of the regulated market, because the French state could well enforce a regulated selling price, as it has done for decades, thus avoiding torture for its people.

But no, it will be imposed on us at the worst moment, namely the war in Ukraine and the scarcity, more or less significant and permanent depending on the moment, deregulation.

A dark date. July 1. The day you need to become your own energy trader.

In less than two weeks, on July 1, 2023, all gas consumers must go to the open market and negotiate an offer there.

We’ll all become our own dealers.

On this issue, as on many others, it is necessary to separate the collective political approach (demonstrations, protests, political struggles, etc., depending on each individual’s beliefs) and the necessary adaptation of each individual as a rational economic actor who wants to protect his interests Interests.

Although these two aspects of the same question must be separated, they are by no means contradictory.

So that you are not assholes, I wrote a special file with the title “These truths hidden from you in the free gas market and how to get the best deal.”

It is available for download in your (new) Readers’ Area by logging in here. For those who want Subscribe here.

In this file we will quickly see that there are some major paradoxes that will be difficult not to fret about collectively, but we will also see the personal strategies we can try to implement to best protect our interests .

I will of course provide an update on prices, the prospects for price changes over the coming months and the risks that we can fully anticipate weighing on the energy market. You will see how to create all the necessary simulations and offers, how to find and choose the best offer, how not to fall into the trap of semantic marketing of so-called “alternative” operators, but also see the price and operational differences between each operator Offers. Fixed or variable, the contract and termination conditions, or how and according to what criteria to choose your gas operator, without forgetting the contract offer that guarantees fixed prices over 4 years, which seems to me the best. In this 33-page file you will find all the details and all the necessary information to enable you to best protect your interests and those of your relatives who use gas.

1,500 euros annual budget! A big effort with a bad contract and explosive additional costs!

The average annual cost of a gas contract is 125 euros per month for a family of four in a 100m2 house. That corresponds to an average note of 1,500 euros per year, but that was before.

Before the war in Ukraine.

Before the end of regulated tariffs.

You probably remember all the small traders who were forced to close the curtain because they couldn’t cope with the changes in energy prices.

This is what awaits each of us now.

At any time.

We will be at the mercy of a gas shortage, an international event, or even geopolitical tensions.

From July 1st, getting the best energy contract with a good network operator is no longer an option, but an obligation for you.

Not doing it or doing it badly puts you at risk of multiplying by 2, 3 or even 8, which was the case at the worst moment of the war in Ukraine, when traders and companies were forced to go through the crisis On in the “free” market, their scores sometimes multiplied tenfold.

According to one family, this means that those who use gas today can theoretically expect their average bill to increase from €125 a month to €1250!

However, a customs protection shield is not planned.

Don’t miss this topic. Those who want to know more and who are not subscribed You can subscribe to the letter and the STRATEGIES files by clicking here. If you get it wrong, it can cost you thousands of dollars to subscribe the letter STRATEGIES is an investment of 98 euros that quickly pays for itself!!

The state will leave you alone in this terrible “free” market.

What you definitely need to understand, and what I’m trying to show you, is that the government wants to end gas, the government being pushed by the European technocrats in Brussels.

Related to this is the end of regulated gas tariffs, the price instability of which will force households and economic operators to switch to other, more legible and predictable energy sources.

The Europaths organize price uncertainty and extreme volatility on the gas market, which are incompatible with the functioning and everyday expectations of all economic actors.

They create the conditions of our disgust and our disgust from the ground up.

It’s very evil, and that’s how our world works. Between outrageous perversity and utter hypocrisy, to hide a form of dictatorship whose name will become increasingly difficult to hide.

In short, in this file you will learn how to subscribe, when to subscribe, how to compare offers and avoid pitfalls so that you can become your own merchant. It should not have happened, but “may you be given the strength to endure what cannot be changed and the courage to change what can be, but also the wisdom to know one from the other.”

You too take part The community of strategists is here.

It’s already too late, but all is not lost.

Prepare yourself!

Charles SANNAT

Gas end of regulated tariff how to get the best“Insolentiae” means “impudence” in Latin.
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You can also subscribe to my monthly newsletter, STRATEGIES, which will allow you to go further and share with you the concrete solutions you can implement to prepare you for the next world. These solutions are based on the PEL approach – Heritage, Employment, Location. The idea is to share with you the tools and methods you can use to build your personal and family resilience.

“To suppress peaceful revolutions, one makes violent revolutions inevitable” (JFK)

“This is a ‘presslib’ article, ie it may not be reproduced in whole or in part, provided this paragraph is reproduced below. Insolentiae.com is the site where Charles Sannat speaks daily, providing unabashed and uncompromising analysis of business news. Thank you for visiting my website. You can subscribe to the daily newsletter free of charge at www.insolentiae.com. »