Prince William is 41 years old this rare honor bestowed

Prince William is 41 years old: this rare honor bestowed on his birthday – TELES RELAY

  • Prince William celebrated his 41st birthday on June 21, 2023.
  • The Prince of Wales received a great honor from Westminster Abbey.
  • An honor that has not been bestowed on him for several years.

For Prince William, June 21st is never a day like any other. Actually it’s his birthday. So he celebrated his 41st birthday on June 21, 2023. If he probably had to spend the day with his small family, namely his wife Kate Middleton and their three children, he was also honored several times.
Beginning with his father, Charles III. Britain’s new king wanted to wish his eldest son a happy birthday by posting a loving snap on his Twitter account. This is a photo taken during the rehearsal of Charles III’s coronation ceremony. has been recorded. The two men seem happier and more complicit than ever.

But that’s not the only honor he deserves. Actually Westminster Abbey in London also wanted to honor this occasion. Thus, Prince William was entitled to an abbey bell choir. “Happy Birthday to the Prince of Wales today! The Abbey Hunchbacks ring in 541 Changes by Stedman Caters, followed by a course of London Surprise Royal celebrationsWrote Westminster Abbey on Twitter in the caption of a video of the musical tribute that aired at 1pm local time.

Prince William had not had this honor for several years

It is not every year that the Prince of Wales receives this honor on his birthday. The last time was in 2019. While Westminster Abbey was known for ringing its bells to celebrate the birthdays of senior members of the royal family, This tradition has changed since the Covid-19 pandemic and the many financiers that have accompanied it.
Prior to 2020, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip and their four children were eligible for this honor, as was Charles III’s wife, Camilla, and Prince William, Kate Middleton, and their children. In 2022, only Queen Elizabeth and Charles heard the bells ring on their birthdays.