Child makes a discovery while walking along the beach it

Child makes a discovery while walking along the beach: it dates back 100,000 years NanoPress Travel

While walking along the beach, he makes a discovery. The protagonist is a child who discovered something 100,000 years ago. Let’s see together today what it is.

Child makes a discovery –

Think of a walk by the sea and you stumble upon what turns out to be a very important historical find. This is what happened a few days ago to a child who has now become the protagonist of this incredible discovery around the world. One more in this year 2023 bringing advances in the world of archeology and paleontology by ordinary citizens with a great civic sense. Let’s find out together what it is.

While walking along the beach, he makes a discovery. Why is?

We’re with this time Miramar, Argentina. A seaside town of remarkable beauty, very popular with both residents and tourists. It is no coincidence that it is one of the most popular resort towns in the country.

Also known for its historical heritage. Over the years, paleontologists from around the world have unearthed incredible finds beneath its surface. Evidence of a vanished world that still attracts the attention of many scientists today.

On a walk along the beach, he makes a discovery –

And thanks to an incredible story, it’s being talked about again today. While walking along the beach, he makes a completely unexpected discovery. The story is about an 8-year-old boy. Bruno Gonzalez, that’s his name, was at the beach with his parents. And as he walked around, he noticed something unusual in the ground. Immediately alerting his parents, he became the protagonist of a discovery that Telam, the state news agency, told the rest of the world.

Of course we’re talking about a find here it dates from around 100,000 years ago. We’re talking about a prehistoric animal of incredible size.

The discovery of the fossil remains of Scelidotherium

Little Bruno was at the beach when he spotted some strange fossils coming out of the ground near a ravine. Barbara and Alvaro Lugones, the child’s parents, immediately notified the authorities.

In order to intervene promptly, the experts at Paleontological laboratory of the Miramar Natural Science Museum. The technicians immediately recognized the importance of what the little one discovered. By conducting initial analysis immediately, they were able to determine that the remains belonged to you scelidotherium.

Scelidotherium fossils –

It is a prehistoric specimen that lived at least 100,000 years ago and died out during the Ice Age. A giant sloth to understand each other. According to paleontologists, South America must have been quite rich in these specimens. These were animals of truly incredible size.

It is even estimated that they could reach a height of three meters with a weight of one ton. State officials in Miramar praise the Gonzalez family for their quick wits. Anyone else would have tried to remove the fossils on their own, but this family immediately sensed their preciousness and chose not to touch, lest jeopardizing future research.

The Fossil Extraction Area

This unexpected discovery of little Bruno takes place in an area where there is a stream called “Bruno”. whaling. The fossil of one was also found here in the past Desmode Draculae.

It is a species that lived in the Pleistocene, an ancestor of the bat that paleontologists have dubbed the “giant vampire”. The jaws of this specimen found while whaling attracted worldwide attention years ago.

The fossils of the giant sloth, on the other hand, are mainly the remains of the pelvis and the tail. Again, it must have been about three meters tall.

According to experts, despite its size, Scelidotherium is not even the largest species of sloth. In general, however, it was a Herbivore with large claws, an outstanding excavator. He was able to build huge burrows to hide food, provide shelter, and protect the young of his kind.

Bruno Gonzalez –

In an interview with the local press, little Bruno Gonzalez said he was thrilled. The remains he recovered were analyzed and subjected to various techniques for correct conservation. The Félix de Azara Natural History Foundation team will work on this together with the Laboratory of Comparative Anatomy and Vertebrate Evolution.

What was found is currently being reconstructed and conserved in part of the museum Natural Science Museum of Miramarbe visited by all.