1687468579 Negative review A chef bans vegans from his restaurant

Negative review: A chef bans vegans from his restaurant

A famous British chef, who was criticized for his only improvised vegan option at his restaurant to accommodate a customer, made the controversial decision on Thursday to ban vegan customers “on mental health grounds”.

“Yes. I’ve had enough,” chef John Mountain wrote on Thursday, announcing the ban on vegan diners on the page of his restaurant Fyre in Perth, Australia, according to The Independent.

In the morning, the popular British chef, who previously starred on the television show Great Britain Menu, announced on Facebook that he was now banning vegan customers from his restaurant “for mental health reasons”.

That decision would have come after he agreed to host a vegan customer on Saturday night by offering her gnocchi or vegetable dishes over the phone a few days earlier. He only said that the chef forgot to prepare the vegan version in the evening because he was already busy with a caterer’s menu for a private party.

The next day, on the restaurant’s Facebook page, the young woman criticized “her only option” for $32 and didn’t mince words.

“I think it’s incredibly important these days that restaurants cater to everyone and that as a chef you’re not able to eat truly plant-based meals,” the client reportedly criticized. If you don’t adapt to the weather I don’t believe your restaurant [survivra].”

Surprised, the chef would have answered him immediately: “Don’t hesitate to share it.” [son] crappy experience,” adding, “I can’t wait to stop doing it.” [la] Goodbye”.

“How childish. You and all your vegan friends can try all your dishes in another place, you are forbidden from doing that now,” he added.

Although he admitted his forgetfulness, he nonetheless regretted the “personal” criticism of him, who had previously written a book entitled “Pig” (“pig” in French), which detailed pork recipes.

“I understand [la vision] “I’m vegan but my job is to make the food as good as possible and I can’t always meet all dietary needs,” he said in an interview with 7News, according to The Independent.

However, the dispute has gained momentum on the restaurant side, where many netizens have left a bad note to support the vegan customer or a high note to encourage the chef in recent days.