1687473141 Very interesting new offer in the Parc national de la

Very interesting new offer in the Parc national de la Pointe-Taillon

HOLY GEDEON | If you are looking for a unique, intimate and utterly exotic camping experience, consider a trip to the Camp-de-Touage-Les-Îles sector of the Parc national de la Pointe-Taillon.

“We had long dreamed of offering a similar experience on these islands,” explains park director François Guillot. This is an interesting expansion that was close to our hearts and that completes the third section of the park. For this reason, this part of the park in the municipality of Saint-Gédéon is now called Camp-de-Touage-Les-Îles.

“We can protect an archipelago of around thirty islands, islets and reefs. Some islands have potential for leisure tourism. The archipelago hosts preferred habitats for several species of flora and fauna. »

Very interesting new offer in the Parc national de la

The director of the Parc national de la Pointe-Taillon, François Guillot, offers access and services on certain islands in the Saint-Gédéon sector. Photo courtesy of Karl Tremblay

Currently, the park offers 18 backcountry campgrounds on three islands.

“On Connelly Island, where we are, there are six platforms for rustic camping, while on the other islands it is possible to camp right on the sand. For the everyday crowd, we also developed the Île aux Cauchon. »

This is the first season this summer for these new infrastructures.

“The desire of the campers is to spend two nights. They want to explore the islands by sea kayak, a non-motorized watercraft very popular here. »

To get to the islands, you can also use the services of the company Tax-Îles, which offers a daily shuttle service with several possible departures depending on the weather. For example, you can go camping or enjoy the beaches. This company also offers themed excursions on the history of this part of the park.

You can also access the islands by your personal boat. All you have to do is pay the entrance fee for the park.


1687473136 353 Very interesting new offer in the Parc national de la

A tent-ready campsite at Camp-de-Touage campsite. Photo courtesy of Karl Tremblay

There is always a campsite with very interesting offers on the Camp-de-Touage site.

There are 80 pitches in total, divided into 10 operational pitches, 26 more unserviced for tents and campers and 44 pitches with two connections, namely water and electricity.

“All pitches are in loops, which offer campers some privacy,” says the director.

“We also have new Étoile prefab campsites this season, a concept developed by Sépaq. This formula, halfway between a chalet and a tent, allows campers to have a pleasant stay in conditions where they will find all the equipment necessary for camping on site. You don’t have to carry all the camping gear with you. All you need is food and bedding and you’re set. »

The park has two other locations, the very first in its history, at Pointe-Taillon. There are rustic campsites and ready-made campsites. There is also the Les-Amicaux sector in Saint-Henri-de-Taillon. On the shore of the lake, in front of an unsupervised beach, there are ready campsites and cottages. The range of accommodation in this national park is very diverse.

Among the activities on offer is cycling, particularly due to the presence of the Véloroute des Bleuets in the sectors.

A name change

Due to the various expansions over time, the name Parc national de la Pointe-Taillon no longer reflects what the park has become.

“It has to be said that if you go from the Île Boulianne in Péribonka to the Île Verte here in Saint-Gédéon, almost a third of the perimeter of the lake is affected by the park in various places,” adds the director.

“The Pointe-Taillon name is becoming less and less representative both geographically and of the people who live around it. The residents of Saint-Gédéon and Alma affected by the park also consider it their park. Given this situation, I think we need a name that better reflects the park’s new reality. »

It was impossible to know this new name. A committee of people from the area works to find the best name for adoption.

To live an adventure in the park, we recommend you visit the sepaq.com website under the tab reserved for the park. You can also call Sépaq at 1.800.665-6527 or directly at the park office at 418.347-5371. It is advisable to reserve your campsite on the islands, your shuttle with Tax-Îles or even rent a boat with Équinoxeaventures.

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