The Dominican Republic and the United Kingdom sign an agreement

The Dominican Republic and the United Kingdom sign an agreement for development projects

The Protocol was signed by the Minister for the Presidency, Joel Santos, on behalf of the Government and by Her Majesty’s Foreign Secretary through the Export Credit Guarantee Department, acting as UK Export Finance (UKEF). , Vomic Shah.

Santos explained that the agreement was the result of the trust built between the two countries and the strength of the Dominican economy, with growth of 4.9 percent in 2022 and stability reflected in key risk assessments.

On behalf of the current Government, the Secretary of State thanked the UK Government for its confidence in that country to fund development work in favor of the Dominicans.

The memorandum will cover projects implemented by institutions such as the Ministries of Defence, Agriculture, Public Health and Energy and Mines, and the National Institute for Drinking Water and Sanitation (Inapa).

Also involved are the Santo Domingo Aqueduct and Sewerage Corporation (Caasd), the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (Indrhi) and the Metropolitan Bus Services Office (OMSA).

In the case of Inapa, it will be responsible for implementing eight plans, including sanitation of tourist and coastal towns and construction of a multiple aqueduct for the eastern region, Santos said.

He pointed out that the CAASD will carry out, among other things, a study on the social impact, sanitation and sewerage of the 92 canyons of the neighborhoods of the greater Santo Domingo, as well as the design of the proposal for waste management in the communities concerned.

He noted that the agreement includes 15 projects that are part of this agreement between both nations, which are scheduled to start implementation in 2024.

The UKEF President said that the signing of this memorandum of understanding is an example of what both countries can achieve together and that this will be reflected in the development of bilateral relations.

Shah also thanked President Luis Abinader on behalf of UK Export Finance for the interest and confidence in his country.

During the signing, Public Health Minister Daniel Rivera said; the Deputy Minister for Dominican Communities Abroad, Carlos De la Mota, and officials and representatives of the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Santo Domingo.
