Palermo, stadium toilets in poor condition: Vasco’s fans use a black bag as a goal

The Renzo Barbera Stadium toilets are in a really deplorable condition. This was reported online to the editors of the Giornale di Sicilia by a group of girls who attended Vasco Rossi’s second concert. The young fans of the Modenese singer they sent some Photo shows one of the bathrooms without a door. In order to use the restrooms while maintaining their privacy, the girls had to use a large garbage bag, which they took turns holding. Unfortunately, a well-known problem of the toilets, and not only that which has been solved precisely with the income from the concession of the sports facility for the organization of the two Vasco Rossi concerts, which Palermo FC and the Municipality of Palermo have decided to use for urgent Interventions within the plant. In this regard, a few days ago the Mayor of Palermo, Robert Lagalla He had said: “Last year the possibility of hosting a great artist like Vasco Rossi was an opportunity for the government to seize immediately.” Firstly, because of the positive economic impact that the two concert dates will have on the production fabric of the city ​​will have, amounting to around 20 million euros. And then the possibility of moving major events back to Palermo and the Renzo Barbera Stadium, a situation that has not existed for about 25 years. In this sense, our offices have found the collaboration with FC Palermo for hosting the concerts in accordance with the current stadium concession agreement. A collaboration between the administration and the Rosanero Club that has taken place in recent months and which has led to Palermo Fc further committing to invest the considerations incurred for the organization of the event in new maintenance operations and improvements to the Viale del Fante, which represents one of the most important heritages of the city, which the people of Palermita take great pleasure in.”