Captured climate sticker flies to Paris and

Captured climate sticker flies to Paris and Mexico

An eyewitness recently discovered Max Voegtli at Zurich Airport, who not only participates in campaigns, but also acts as a speaker.

On Thursday, a man discovered well-known climate activist Max Voegtli at Zurich airport. Just two days earlier, he had appeared on the TeleZüri program “TalkTäglich” as a media spokesperson for the climate movement Renovate Switzerland. The eyewitness was upset that the young man, who was also involved in the lockdowns as climate glue, boarded a plane to Paris.

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“There are great train connections to Paris”

“It doesn’t work as climate glue and roadblock, there are no excuses. I am outraged,” the man told ZüriToday. After all, there are great train connections to Paris, he argues. “Preaching water and drinking wine is absolutely unacceptable and unbelievable,” said the eyewitness.

However, Voegtli’s journey did not end in Paris. The eyewitness suspects that the activist traveled to Mexico. Questioned by ZüriToday, Voegtli confirmed that he flew from Zurich to Paris and from there to Mexico. Meanwhile, Renovate Switzerland says it doesn’t know where Voegtli is at the moment.

Renovate Switzerland talks about “hunting”

Furthermore, it is not the group’s responsibility what campaign supporters do in their private lives. Renovate spokeswoman Cécile Bessire even sees a “media manhunt against the climate movement”. The fact that the movement, which says it wants the government to act on its blockades but mostly blocks private individuals, vehemently denies responsibility for the actions of its members, seems beyond ironic.

Voegtli commented on the criticism of the trip in a video. “I’ve already flown once – but yes, I realize the privileges I have,” begins Voegtli in his video. He calculated the CO2 emissions caused by the trip and listed the offset, but that didn’t undo the trip.

In Mexico, he and his partner would now travel two and a half months by public transport. He made the decision to fly privately – with good knowledge of CO2 emissions. “That’s why I fly as little as possible and make sure I live as sensibly as possible,” says Voegtli in his video response to “ZüriToday”.

Voegtli was also present at Gotthard

Max Voegtli not only represents Renovate Switzerland as a media spokesperson, but also participates in campaigns. He was one of the activists who attracted attention across national borders with a blockade on the Gotthard at Easter.

At the beginning of the year, there was enthusiasm for a similar case. Two climate activists from Germany skipped a court date to go on vacation to Bali – more on that here.

Navigation count 20 minutes, time Leo23.06.2023, 16:35| Act: 06/23/2023, 6:35 pm