1687586790 Osasuna just one step away from being excluded from Europe

Osasuna just one step away from being excluded from Europe

Osasuna just one step away from being excluded from Europe

Osasuna celebrated with euphoria the qualification for the Conference League, which combined them with the victory against Girona in El Sadar (2-1), but the inspectors, who have analyzed their registration documents for the European competition, believe that since then they have lost the Failing to meet requirements The UEFA regulations require “not to have been directly and/or indirectly involved in activities aimed at organizing or influencing the outcome of a match.”

The most recent Supreme Court ruling in the Osasuna case, which sentenced several executives after the current board’s lawsuit and revealed payment to players from other clubs for game purchases during the 2013-14 season, was pivotal to the decision UEFA to ban the Navarra club whose place would be taken by Athletic. Osasuna failed to save the category despite the illegal efforts of its leaders.

The Navarrese club now have the opportunity to urgently appeal the decision of the European body and later the decision to contact the TAS, but the reaction of the Rojilla entity after receiving the notification from UEFA suggests that the Navarrese club sees this very difficult to reverse the decision. In a statement from Osasuna, not only UEFA but also the Spanish association are accused. The template states: “The club does not share UEFA’s criteria. He will address the Appeal Committee and announce that he will fight legally to the last consequence to defend his rights”, and sharply attacks: “Strong with the weak and weak with the strong, the judiciary of UEFA did not want taking into account that it was the Spanish courts themselves who literally declared that Osasuna was the victim of the money diversion of some of its former directors behind the back of the highest governing body of the entity, the Assembly, and the club’s control mechanisms”.

For the current directors, chaired by Luis Sabalza, who took over the reins in 2014, denounced the previous rectors before the judiciary and managed to revitalize Osasuna, “the message that UEFA is conveying is undoubtedly counterproductive for football and its relatives Units.” Facing the risk of being punished by the highest European football body, they are now choosing not to attack corruption in the world of football head-on.”

Osasuna’s board of directors considers that the company’s image has suffered very serious damage “and that it has also been caused by the silence of the main Spanish football federations, including the RFEF.” leaked nationwide to certain media outlets and journalists to build a story that sacrifices the weak to benefit the strong.” It was leaked that “as early as the 7th, the day Osasuna found out about the start of the investigation , was categorically assured that the end of this entire process would be the exclusion of the Rojillo Club from European competitions.” The statement ends almost resignedly: “We are prepared for the worst, but we are sticking to the motto that we have been following over the past nine years helped to rebuild the club: Osasuna never gives up.”

The federation, in turn, expressed in a statement: “It is a shame, a lack of respect and a very serious action that the club intends to involve the RFEF in this matter, strangely, always in a subtle way, explaining the origin of the Problems.” Complaints, and it is extremely serious to want to make your dignified and amazing fans believe that the RFEF did not or do not support your club.”

“The RFEF has never acted as a private prosecutor in these proceedings because it has always understood and defended the need to preserve the club’s innocence,” the association adds.

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