Above the law DOJs Hunter Biden probe sabotaged Nicola Porro

Above the law: DOJ’s Hunter Biden probe sabotaged Nicola Porro

Joe Hunter Biden

  • Investigations were slowed down, and interrogations and searches were denied
  • Hunter’s laptop and an FBI whistleblower’s report on the Bidens’ corruption plot were withheld from IRS investigators
  • 5 million from China days after Hunter threatens Chinese business partner: ‘I’m here with my father, pay or you’ll regret it’
  • The FBI knew the laptop was authentic for a year before taking to social media to suggest censoring it as Russian information

There is not only the farce of bargaining Hunter Bidenan attempt at a “controlled demolition” to still allow the Biden administration and the compliant media to declare the case closed despite the… far more serious crimes from the President’s son’s laptop and the report of an FBI informant.

Thursday evening new evidence Testimonies before Congress revealed the corruption plot in which the Bidens – son and father – were allegedly involved and the Justice Department’s interference in the investigation two IRS whistleblowers (the US Internal Revenue Service), which has been working on this since the investigation began Hunter Biden.

The FBI knew about the laptop

According to the two whistleblowers, the FBI first learned of the existence of Hunter’s laptop and possible evidence of a crime inside itOctober 2019. He confirmed his authenticity in Nov 2019 about Apple’s iCloud ID and took possession of it December 2019and told the IRS that it probably contained that Notices of tax offenses.

The timing is very relevant because we are talking almost a year before the CIA and FBI suggested this on social media censor The New York Post reported on the laptop that it was a disinformation operation staged by Russia. Theme used by President Biden himself in a televised debate with Trump. There disinformation it was theirs.

Incidentally, the IRS case against Hunter was opened in 2018 (codenamed “Sportsman”) “as part of an investigation the IRS was conducting into a platform by…”. online pornography amateur based abroad”.

Investigations sabotaged

But the two testimonies are important primarily because they reveal how Biden’s Justice Department operated hindered the investigation At Hunter BidenSlowing investigative efforts, limiting the ability to interview witnesses, objecting to search requests, misleading investigators about the jurisdiction of the prosecutor’s office, delaying all action in the months leading up to the 2020 presidential election.

In particular, the department hid the evidence of Hunter’s tax crimes and prevented indictments from being brought in two different jurisdictions, Washington DC in March 2022 and Central California in the fall of 2022. It also denied the Delaware federal attorney’s motion in the spring of 2022. David Weissthat of the plea to be appointed special prosecutor.

IRS investigators, who had followed the case from the beginning, were not allowed to see Hunter’s laptop or an FBI informant’s report describing him. The Bidens’ corruption plan with a businessman from Ukraine.

When Gary Shapley, who led the IRS agents in the case, claimed that DOJ political officials intervened to prevent an indictment against Hunter and that Weiss himself did not have the authority to do so, the department said removed his entire team from the case. One of his junior agents, who has not yet been identified, confirmed Shapley’s claims in a separate statement.

tax crime and corruption

The IRS had proposed criminal prosecution Hunter Biden for many serious crimes (Offence): Tax evasion and false tax returns in the period 2014-2019. And he had submitted his recommendations to the Justice Department, but the offenses were demoted to two minor offenses (misdemeanours).

It is about $2.2 million from $8.3 million from proceeds of foreign companies in Ukraine, China and Romania. Hunter Biden reportedly received at least $6 million from CEFC China Energy, an energy company linked to Chinese military intelligence. Another million dollars from a Romanian businessman under investigation for corruption in exchange for his help in a court case.

And then $80,000 a month from Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company, as a member of its board of directors. As is known, father Joe, when he was vice-president, requested and received this from Kiev Removal of the Attorney General Ukrainians investigate Burisma.

The interference

With its delaying tactics, the Justice Department has done just that let the statute of limitations expire The crimes committed in 2014 and 2015, when Biden failed to report about €400,000 in proceeds from Burisma, were due to “criminal behavior and the most relevant hidden material facts,” according to the sources.

When IRS investigators learned of potential evidence “at former Vice President Biden’s guest house,” the Delaware residence, the Justice Department’s assistant attorney said Lesley Wolf He responded that it was “out of the question,” the search warrant would “never be approved,” and Biden’s attorneys were alerted to give them time to remove the evidence.

On September 4, 2020, Shapley recalls, the DOJ ordered that all ongoing investigations into this be “closed.” Hunter Biden or on the Biden family’s trade in influence due to the upcoming election.

And when IRS investigators wanted to interview one of Hunter’s business partners in December 2020, Rob Walkeron the sentence “Ten held by H for the big guy” contained in an e-mail, ten held by H (Hunter, ed) for “the big guy” (Joe BidenNote d. Red.), prosecutor Wolf contradicted and stated that she did not want questions to be asked about “Papa” Biden.

The denial of prosecution in Washington DC and Central California counties stands in stark contrast to the Attorney General’s testimony before Congress Merrick Garland, which said in March 2023 that prosecutor Weiss had full authority to “remit cases to other jurisdictions.” Garland also said he will personally ensure that Weiss “can conduct his investigation and that he is able to deal with it.” affirmations INCORRECTat least given the statements of the two IRS whistleblowers.

It is not, therefore, a simple preference in favor of Hunter Bidenbut a real sabotagethe “active” attempt to obstruct important investigative steps and to prevent their prosecution.

Joe Biden in the room

But the real thing bomb test Thursday’s revelations include a WhatsApp message dated July 30, 2017, in which Hunter Biden familiar with his Chinese business partner, Henry Zhaoto send him the promised money as soon as possible, specifically threatening that he and his father Joe – who he thought was standing next to him in the room – would ruin him if he didn’t pay up straight away.

I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the promise made has not been kept. Tell the manager I want to fix this problem now, before it gets out of hand, and do it tonight. If I receive a call or text from anyone involved other than you, Zhang or the President, I will make sure that between the man sitting next to me and everyone he knows and my ability to for always holding a grudge You will regret that I didn’t follow my instructions. I’m sitting here waiting for the call with my father.

A few days after this news, on August 4, 2017, the Chinese company CEFC Infrastructure Investment demanded $100,000 back from the law firm Owasco Hunter Biden, according to a 2020 report released by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. A few more days pass and on August 8 they arrive from the same Chinese company so 5 million dollars in Hudson West III, a company opened by Biden with Chinese partners.

The two transactions totaling $5.1 million have been completed in just 10 days of Hunter’s threats via WhatsApp. Also from the same report of August 14th Hunter Biden initiated a series of 20 banking transactions from Owasco to Lion Hall Group, a consulting firm affiliated with the President’s brother. James Bidenand his wife Sara, for a total of $1.4 million as of August 3, 2018.