Heavy competition makes consider returning to cast bench

Heavy competition makes consider returning to cast bench

Debora Falabella joins the cast of Terra e Paixão and Aruanas

There has already been talk of the possibility of Globo reconsidering the “box bank” issue. The sector created for the needs of its teledramaturgy has been almost completely emptied for a few years.

The process of its near extinction had to be accelerated, all the more so during the pandemic when TV stations were forced to shut down their productions for an enormous period of time.

Maintaining such a large group of actors and actresses came at a cost that was virtually impossible to manage at such a complicated time.

But now that everything is back to normal, there are difficulties in filling so many jobs and having enough staff to attend the soap operas shown, their substitutes, globoplay series and miniseries like “Todas as Flores” or whatever It will be Warriors of the Sun.

Merely the hired staff, the few that are still available in this condition, are no longer sufficient. In addition, it required nearcontinuous phone calls from the same actor on many occasions. Artist “repeated” in different works. It tires the viewer.

Changing the size of the “Cast Bank” or expanding its capacity is a topic that is being discussed more and more within Grupo Globo, although it is still opposed by some of its directors, who are quite reluctant to recreate the scenario of the past . A topic that deserves a sequel.

different scenario

Unlike other times when the competition wasn’t that great, I repeat that today Globo has had difficulties closing some of its lineups.

Check out how epic it was to be able to count on Lázaro Ramos, now confirmed in Elas por Elas.

And other

In addition to televisions, which have always been competitors, Globo now has its sights set on streaming and the job opportunities that have expanded for actors and actresses.

There are a lot of good people out there who give themselves the luxury of choice.

Glenda Kozlowski is now from the band Lance Entertainment! galleries

official exchange

As of yesterday, Glenda Kozlowski is no longer part of Esporte da Band.

Her move to the entertainment industry has just been officially announced, so from August she will be one of the presenters of the show that will replace “Faustão na Band”.

can not praise

Yesterday, here, on Wednesday, in Vila Belmiro, the wonderful journalistic and service work of Rádio Bandeirantes was highlighted. All the idiocy provoked by the fans.

Only now is the information coming in that the early morning hours of radio, which were always live and counted among Claudio Zaidan’s successes for a long time, will now be occupied by the BandNews TV program.


A statement distributed Thursday afternoon said that change would begin next week.

Incidentally, the note mentions an “integration of Group vehicles”. Is it really?

Ricardo Rocha, who claims to be Gugu’s son, makes a revelation in an interview with Roberto Cabrini

Check out Cabrini

Ricardo Rocha, who introduced himself as Gugu Liberato’s son and is asking for a DNA test, will be interviewed by Roberto Cabrini tomorrow on Record’s Domingo Espetacular.

In a moment he declares that his only desire is to take the exam and get rid of this doubt. He hopes that the family will understand and cooperate.


Rainer Cadete, the funny Italian Luigi from “Terra e Paixão”, wants to get along with the family of the powerful Antônio La Selva (Tony Ramos).

The emphasis on him is so great that even the protagonist, Cauã Reymond, doesn’t achieve that much. Strange. Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

think it’s fair

And there is much more to the life of the Italian Luigi in this novel by Walcyr Carrasco.

There are those who swear he is about to become Gloria Pires’ lover and influence the villain’s decisions. It will be?

By the way

Grace Gianoukas has already finished taping her participation in “Terra e Paixão” as Luigi’s “mother” in scenes that will air on the 27th and 28th.

Now in Grace’s life there are only theaters with performances on July 28th and 29th at the Teatro Miguel Falabella in Rio.

Fefa Moreira, on “Nave Money”, from broadcaster Empreender Disclosure

Another world

Canal Empreender will premiere ‘Nave Money’ next Wednesday at 11:30pm, starring Fefa Moreira, who works in the music and entertainment industry.

The program includes guest participation, permanent staff and a “joke” where a spaceship brings along a guest who started an otherworldly company.


Actress Luísa Thiré, who happens to be the granddaughter of Tônia Carrero and daughter of Cecil Thiré, will premiere “A Inquilina” on the 7th at the Sesc Bom Retiro in São Paulo, accompanied by Carolyna Aguiar.

It is the story of two women in their 50s who want to change their lives.


EBC (Empresa Brasil de Comunicação) plans to reformulate its channels on July 24th. Today there are two: TV Brasil 1 and TV Brasil 2. And there is already a decision to separate them.

By order, the first will be a public television and the other will focus on government content.

very in her

Many correctly assumed that after leaving SBT, Maísa Silva would soon settle down with another big screen TV.

Only not. Invitations never failed, but she continues to resist, at least for now, and continues her work independently.

Flávia Noronha extends Rede TV! disclosure


TV Fama’s Flávia Noronha, who cohosts Nelson Rubens on the show, has just signed with Rede TV! extended.

Signed for another year.

knock Knock

• Luiza Tomé and Nizo Neto are at the Teatro Itália in São Paulo with the play “Nunca desista de sus ventos”. Today and tomorrow.

• Tati Quebra Barraco is a guest on SBT’s “Influencers Want to Know” segment on “Programa Raul Gil” this Saturday.

• The Governor of Pernambuco, Raquel Lyra, will be a guest of “Roda Viva” on TV Cultura on Monday.

• “Cidade Alerta” by Luiz Bacci on Record has posted its best marks since 2021…

• … The program phase is very good, the average values ​​are always above 8 points.

• About Actors Fixing Jobs, Carolina Dieckmann could be one of the next cases…

• … Also in “Vai na Fé” his name is disputed in two upcoming productions, one by Globo and the other by Globoplay.

• In “The Love School” Renato and Cristiane Cardoso talk about “how to overcome the fear of making mistakes again” this Saturday at 12 noon on Record…

• … Among other things, how to overcome the fear of another failure in a relationship.

• “About us two” by GNT with Sabrina Sato and Marcelo Adnet will premiere in August…

• … recordings are running. The entire cast of Globo is called.