1687596520 A stray cat invites herself into a third grade class

A stray cat invites herself into a third grade class and decides never to leave Woopets

In 2018, Tombi entered the door of an elementary school in Izmir for the first time. Back then, the ginger cat roamed the streets of the Turkish city in search of food and attention.

The children’s friend

From the first moment the cat was friendly and affectionate towards the students. He walked up to her and asked for hugs, but that wasn’t enough.

After spending several weeks on the playground, Tombi became a student too! He was in a CE2 class and “the kids really liked him,” Özlem Pinar Ivascu, their teacher, confided to The Dodo.

Article illustration: A stray cat invites herself to a CE2 course and decides never to leave

Ozlem Pinar Ivascu

You’d think a cat would distract students in class… However, Tombi had the opposite effect. The children were never so excited when they went to school and showed a higher ability to concentrate.

What age group do you belong to?

Do you have one or more dogs in your household?

Do you have one or more cats in your household?

How often have you taken your dog/cat to the vet in the last 12 months?

What three brands come to mind when you think of food manufacturers or brands of dog or cat food products?

What names of dog/cat food manufacturers or food brands do you know?

What brand(s) do you buy for your dog or cat? (many possible answers)

What do you think are the 5 most important criteria for a food/brand for your dog/cat?

Do you know Virbac’s VETERINARY HPMⓇ kibbles?

How did you hear about the VETERINARY HPMⓇ kibbles? How did you find out what brand of food to feed your pet?

What is your overall rating of the VETERINARY HPMⓇ kibbles? What is your overall rating of the croquettes you give your pet?

(1 to 10, where 1 is the worst and 10 is the best score)

How do you rate these VETERINARY HPMⓇ kibbles after using them in terms of these different criteria? After use, how do you rate the croquettes you give your animal based on these different criteria?

(1 to 10, where 1 is the worst and 10 is the best score)

Respect the environment

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Respect for animal welfare

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

veterinary sign

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

French brand

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Croquettes that my pet likes

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Price-performance ratio

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

customer service

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

croquette quality

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Dry food recommended by the vet

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Suitable for my pet’s health

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Available in supermarkets or pet shops

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Online availability with home delivery

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Available at the vet clinic

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Available online with Click & Collect delivery at the veterinary clinic

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Availability on multiple networks (various outlets and online)

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

Bag design (materials, practicality)

My rating: …12345678910 Don’t know

How did you get these VETERINARY HPMⓇ kibbles in 2022? How did you get the kibble to give your pet in 2022?

Please select a maximum of 3 options and AT LEAST 1

When you buy groceries from the vet, you have to…

Do you have a subscription for regular grocery delivery?

What are the 3 main criteria that will lead you to stay loyal to a product/food brand for your pet?

if you have any

Do you agree to receive information about the health of your animal from the Virbac partner?

“Since Tombi has been here, the children have come to school on time and take care of him. That’s a good thing for them,” says Özlem. At the same time, the teacher took him to the vet to make sure he was okay and had him vaccinated.

Article illustration: A stray cat invites herself to a CE2 course and decides never to leave

Ozlem Pinar Ivascu

The cat also benefits from this experience! He finally has a safe place to sleep and live his days, with bowls full of water and food and lots of friends willing to take care of him.

Everything was going perfectly, and yet a small problem almost put an end to Tombi’s adventures.

A complaint has been filed

After learning the cat was loose in the classroom, a student’s parents filed a complaint with school authorities, claiming Tombi could pose a health risk to children.

Article illustration: A stray cat invites herself to a CE2 course and decides never to leave

Ozlem Pinar Ivascu

The cat had no choice but to leave. A heartbreaker in everyone’s eyes. “We found a home for Tombi and he stayed there for three days but he wasn’t happy. He didn’t eat anymore, says Özlem. So I welcomed him into my house, but he wasn’t very happy there either. »

To find a solution, Özlem decided to share the cat’s mishap on social media. From then on, Tombi’s story spread like wildfire! “It got a lot of attention on all TV news,” Özlem said. I received support from many people, including my manager. »

Went back to school

Eventually, the parents who complained changed their minds and Tombi was able to return to class. “The children were very relieved to find him,” says Özlem happily, and he is happy to be back with the children. »

Article illustration: A stray cat invites herself to a CE2 course and decides never to leave

Ozlem Pinar Ivascu

The ginger cat brightens up the lives of hundreds of students for years before setting off to new horizons. Today Tombi has moved abroad with Özlem, with whom he is writing the new chapter in his life.

Also read: An elderly and sick cat, wandering in the snow, sees the end of the tunnel thanks to caring people

Article illustration: A stray cat invites herself to a CE2 course and decides never to leave

Ozlem Pinar Ivascu