1687633944 Climbing in Russia Schallenberg issues travel warning

Climbing in Russia: Schallenberg issues travel warning

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a partial travel warning for Russia. In particular, the city of Rostow and the surrounding area should be avoided.

Conflict between the Wagner Group and the Kremlin escalates. Some fighters from Wagner’s force have already taken over Russian territory, including Rostov. The head of the Kremlin, Putin, speaks of betrayal and mutiny. Authorities declared an anti-terror emergency.

Read more: Wagner’s rebels close in on Moscow

Due to current developments, the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a partial travel warning for Russia. Alexander Schallenberg warns against all travel to the Russian administrative districts of Belgorod, Kursk, Bryansk, Voronezh, Rostov and Krasnodar, on the border with Ukraine. In particular, the city of Rostow and the surrounding area should be avoided.

Embassy offers support in case of emergency

According to the ministry, increased attention should also be given to Moscow and other cities in Russia. Austrians in Russia are advised to closely follow current media reports and contact the Austrian Embassy in Moscow at any time for recommendations. The embassy provides support in case of emergency.

Austrians in need can also contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ on-call service at any time by calling +43 1 90115 4411. Austria in Moscow and with European and international partners. We reserve the right to take further measures if deemed necessary in light of dynamic developments.

According to several media reports, Wagner’s troops are apparently closing in on Moscow. Russia expert Gerhard Mangott sees current developments as a “failure of leadership on Putin’s part”. They “completely underestimated the danger that had been building for months,” the scientist explained in a tweet.

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