The uprising plays into the hands of external enemies says

“The uprising plays into the hands of external enemies,” says Russia’s Foreign Ministry

“We warn Western countries against the slightest attempt to exploit Russia’s internal situation to achieve their Russophobic goals,” he said.

Sergey Lavrov

247 The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a note that “the adventurous efforts of the conspirators” are aimed at destabilizing the country, “and this plays into the hands of its external enemies.” Wagner group, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

“The adventurous efforts of the conspirators are essentially aimed at destabilizing the situation in Russia, destroying our unity and undermining Russia’s efforts to reliably ensure international security,” the Foreign Ministry said, according to the Russian agency TASS. “Mutiny plays into the hands of Russia’s external enemies”

“The attempted armed uprising in our country provoked strong disapproval in Russian society, which firmly supports President Vladimir Putin,” he adds. “We warn Western countries against even the slightest attempt to exploit Russia’s internal situation to achieve their Russophobic goals. Such attempts are futile and evoke no support either in Russia or among sober political forces abroad.”

The ministry also expressed certainty that “in the near future the situation will be resolved in a manner worthy of the centuriesold wisdom of the Russian people and state” and that “all the goals and tasks of the special military operation will be accomplished.” ” reached.”

“Russia will continue its sovereign policy of ensuring its security, defending its values, strengthening its authority on the international stage and creating a just multipolar world order. We appreciate the understanding of our allies and foreign partners that we are for this highly principled position. “I’m already feeling fed up at this point,” he concluded.