Origin of Corona US secret service must release files oe24.381

Origin of Corona: US secret service must release files oe24

After lawsuits in the USA, the US secret services had to release the Corona files.

On Friday night, the office of the “Director of National Intelligence” (ODNI) left the report on possible connections between the origin of corona and the virological institute of Wuhan. The secret files were only released after printing.

“This report does not address the merits of the two most likely hypotheses about the origin of the pandemic”, says the report at the beginning of the report, as the newspaper “Bild” writes “Covid-19 originated in the laboratory or in the wild.” Disappointing. report does not give a clear answer about the origin of the crown.

“Patient zero” found

Just a week ago, scientist Ben Hu from the laboratory in Wuhan was arrested as “patient zero”. Several media outlets reported “significant evidence” citing “various US government officials”.

According to the new secret files, this thesis must also shake. The researchers’ symptoms may have been caused by other illnesses, the report said, with some symptoms consistent with classic Covid-19 complaints.

The secret services agree with this

The only thing certain at this point is that SARS-Cov-2 “was not developed as a biological weapon”. Furthermore, a genetically engineered virus is not assumed. The mystery of the origin of the corona virus has not yet been fully clarified, leaving room for speculation.