4 restaurants terrible story behind the scenes quotThis part was

4 restaurants, terrible story behind the scenes: "This part was not installed" | What we didn’t see just entertainment

4-Restaurants-backstage-orrendo-Solospettacolo.it4 restaurants – Solospettacolo.it

A terrifying backstory emerges from the scenes of 4 restaurants. No one would have expected that from such a popular show

What we see on TV does not always correspond to reality. In fact, we often forget that a television product is a series of cuts and montages.

As such, things can often get out of control for those who depend on TV, especially one of these Cooking programs to improve the success of your restaurant.

One of the cooking shows The most popular are definitely 4 restaurants with Alessandro Borghese. The format sees the challenge between four restaurants in the same area.

Now a very bad backstory emerges, straight from the scenes of the show. In fact, it is the chef Danilo Canu who speaks and tells:the curse by Alessandro Borghese“. Here’s what happened…

The Horrific Backstory of 4 Restaurants

Chef Danilo Canu participated with his restaurant Shannara 2 at the Milan competition of the 4 restaurants with Alessandro Borghese. The entrepreneur said: “As soon as the episode ended, the insults, threats and negative reviews started. And the thing repeats itself every time it airs“. This is because, in his opinion, the challenge was not carried out fairly, instead the competition got the upper hand. He said of one of his rivals: “He had a plate returned and argued the shrimp was not clean and the casing was still there. But in my opinion it wasn’t true. I told him there were cameras in the room that showed he had been tampering with the scampi, even if it wasn’t true (that the langoustine was still in its casing) and that he was a liar, a dork. And drama started from there.”

Right out of this fight The production would have taken the opportunity to overdo things during the editing phase: “I made a mistake and noticed it immediately: I brought him a new dish with a different scampi and apologized for it. Only this part was not cut into the episode. And those who treat their customers badly come across as arrogant and impolite. But in reality they are not like that. Let’s say the damage is more of a moral nature. But as for business there was a comeback: I now have more customers than before. Because in addition to the regulars, who have definitely always followed and supported me, all those who are just curious to get to know me, to understand if I am like they saw me on TV, have also joined me.”

4-Restaurants-backstage-orrendo-Solospettacolo.itDanilo Canu – Solospettacolo.it

Danilo Canu on Alessandro Borghese

Danilo Canu sharply attacked the authorsShe said, “A lot of things are real, for example it’s true that we go to a different restaurant for dinner every night.” However, the editors are free to use and edit whatever is filmed as they see fit. And those who take part in the show cannot see the episode before it is broadcast“.

Instead, he says of Alessandro Borghese: “He was always impartial, he listens but does not judge. I appreciate him: he is a great professional, very competent and well prepared.”

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