“The Worst Crime of All”: How Top Officials Responded to Attempted Armed Mutiny in Russia Sputnik

Now the main thing is to unite, wrote the spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry. Maria Zakharovaon his Telegram channel.

“We have a supreme commander. Not two, not three. A. And he called everyone to come together Put your personal feelings back. Even if you think you are 100% right. Because? Because if we don’t unite now, if everyone is for themselves or their own view of the situation, nothing will matter,” he wrote.

According to the spokesman, “the enemy is waiting for our power struggles.” Furthermore, he pointed out that “the temptation to put one’s own opinion above the interests of the country and the people is great, will collapse.”

“Unite. They are brothers. They do not protect the interests of individuals, but those of all of us. They protect their big family. We believe in you as we have always believed in you and supported you,” Zajárova summarized.

For his part, the Chairman of the Lower House of the Russian Parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin, He said that State Duma deputies support the consolidation of forces and support Russian President Vladimir Putin, who delivered a speech to the Russian people on June 24.

The Speaker of the Russian Federation Council (Upper House of Parliament), Valentina MatviyenkoHe also stated that this organization supports the Russian President and understands the need to consolidate society after the events.

“The strength of such a large, multi-ethnic and multi-confessional country lies in the unity based on the civic position of each individual and on ourselves historical intolerance to betrayal and provocation‘ he deepened.

It is already clear that the attempt to shake up Russian society and fan the flames of a fratricidal civil war has failed, said the director of Russia’s foreign intelligence service. Sergey Narishkin.

“By now it is clear that the attempt to influence society, to awaken in it its darkest aspirations, to reignite the fires of a fratricidal civil war, has failed. The Russians have demonstrated their civic maturity, their ability to distinguish truth from lies,” the official stressed.

Furthermore, he stressed that attempting armed mutiny, treason behind the backs of a fighting army, “It is the worst of all crimesnot justifiable for previous reasons.

In return, the Chechen leader, Ramzan Kadyrovstated that the soldiers of the Ministry of Defense and the Federal Guard Service of the Chechen Republic have already left for areas of tension.

“We will do everything to preserve the unity of Russia and protect its statehood. The insurgency must be suppressed and if tough measures are to be taken against it, we are ready to do it!” he declared.

On June 23, the country’s Federal Security Service (FSB) launched a criminal case against Wagner Group chief Yevgeny Prigozhin over the attempted armed insurgency, saying there was a risk of escalation on Russian territory. The country’s defense in turn reports that the versions are alleged attacks against the rear camps of the Wagner group fake. The company also assured that the Russian Armed Forces “continue to carry out their combat tasks in the line of contact with Ukrainian troops in the area of ​​​​the special military operation”.