1687655666 Israeli Settlers Attack Citizens in Palestine

Israeli Settlers Attack Citizens in Palestine

In the towns of Masafer Yatta and Ramallah, Israelis fired on villagers, burning and destroying houses and properties.

  • The settlers burned down Palestinian houses and properties.
    The settlers burned down Palestinian houses and properties.

Several Palestinians were injured and suffocated, several houses burned and vehicles destroyed. during a settler attack on the village of Um Safa, northwest of Ramallah in the central West Bank.

According to activist Ibrahim Ebayat The occupying forces supported the cruel incursion and They blocked the road to villages west of Ramallah, preventing citizens from entering or leaving their towns.

At the same time another group of settlers burnt agricultural crops over an area of ​​50 dunumsnear the village of Al-Tawana, in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron.

The attackers too they damaged the Palestinians’ animals and destroyed wells and houses, also under the protection of the soldiers of the Zionist regime, assured the coordinator of the People’s and National Committee of Resistance Against the Wall and the Settlements, Ratib Al-Jabour.

Since the beginning of last week, violence has escalated in the West Bank, beginning Monday with the attack on the Jenin camp, which killed seven Palestinians, including children, and wounded more than 91.