Diaz Canel returned to Cuba after a European tour Invader

Díaz Canel returned to Cuba after a European tour Invader

Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and President of the Republic, returned to the country after completing an international trip that took him to the Vatican, Italy, Serbia and France.

In Paris, the Cuban head of state attended the summit for a new global financial pact, representing the group of 77 plus China, the presidency stressed on Twitter.

“President @DiazCanelB is already at home after visiting the Vatican, Italy, Serbia and France. In the latter country, he took part in the summit for a new world financial pact as a representative of the group of 77 plus China.”

Cuban Vice President Salvador Valdés Mesa; the Organizing Secretary of the Central Committee of the PCC, Roberto Morales Ojeda, and the Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero Cruz.

“At Havana’s José Martí International Airport, they received the President @DiazCanelB, the Vice-President @SalvadorValdesM, the Organizing Secretary of the Party’s Central Committee @DrRobertoMOjeda and the Prime Minister @MMarreroCruz.”

The June 20-24 international tour included Italy, the Holy See, Serbia and France.

The Cuban head of state held meetings with the most important authorities in these countries, including a private audience with Pope Francis, the supreme pontiff of the Catholic Church.

The Cuban delegation consisted of Politburo member and Minister of External Relations Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, several Deputy Ministers of that portfolio, and First Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment Ana Teresita González Fraga, among other leaders.