Russian Communists Support President Putins Call

Russian Communists Support President Putin’s Call

The partisan leader emphasized: “There are all sorts of misunderstandings between people, but there comes a time in the history of every state and citizen when you have to give up all your ambitions and defend our country as we defended it during the Great Patriotic War have.” 1941). -1945).

“I appeal to all left-patriotic people’s forces: we must unite as much as possible and support the boys who are fighting for our fatherland and liberating Ukraine from the Nazis, Banderists and fascists,” stressed Zyuganov.

He added that it was necessary to stop those who came as a provocation despite the difficult situation in the country. I speak directly to the soldiers, commanders and warriors involved in this conflict.

“We must fight against National Socialism and fascism. And doing the American, Anglo-Saxon and Russian enemies a favor is the last thing to do,” he added.

These statements of support for unity come despite Putin’s outdated allusion to the Bolshevik revolution in his speech, when he compared the current betrayal of capitalist Prigozhin to the 1917 revolution that sought to emancipate the working class from the tsarist yoke and the bourgeoisie.

Prigozin’s cause, Zyuganov argues, is not some working class-organized “revolution,” but the treacherous uprising of a capitalist magnate against a state power that for decades allowed him excesses, and he commits this act out of personal ambition at worst.
