Danger of thunderstorms It could be brewing in Quebec

Danger of thunderstorms: It could be brewing in Quebec – MétéoMédia

The Weather Network editorial team


Published June 25, 2023 at 11:12 am

There’s excitement in the air: stormy potential is set to materialize in Quebec for much of the week.

Across the province, National Day celebrations were disrupted by storm cells. This was just an introduction: Storm potential will be in place for much of the territory between Monday and Thursday. In fact, all the ingredients are there to make the situation explosive.

Humidity will be plentiful over the next few days, bringing temperatures to around 35°C in southern Quebec. This heat acts as fuel for thunderstorms, giving them the energy to break out.

A system pulls the strings


It is the passage of a low pressure system that sets the powder on fire. In fact, the associated fronts lift the warm air collected near the ground, which can then collide with the colder air at altitude. Result: Storm cells can be expected to develop in many areas.

The disruption will develop fairly slowly, which explains the longevity of the thunderstorm threat – and the gray week Quebec awaits.

Measures could be taken as early as Monday. The instability will be very present in southwestern Quebec: the Outaouais, the Laurentians and the Montérégie are most likely to hear thunder rumble.


The thunderstorm potential will continue to develop as the depression progresses. The passage of the warm front on Tuesday and the arrival of the cold front between Wednesday and Thursday promote cell formation.