Lula assures that Brazil is making progress by resuming dialogue

Lula assures that Brazil is making progress by resuming dialogue with the world

“Brazil has returned to dialogue with the world, working for peace, fighting inequality and caring for the environment,” Lula wrote on Twitter on Sunday.

Listing uneven progress since taking office on January 1, he stressed that “we started paying the Bolsa Família in June, with the highest average in history.”

This program reaffirms the administration’s commitment to reducing social inequality and securing the livelihood of the neediest families.

He pointed out that guidelines have been published for the plan for a dignified menstruation and the distribution of absorbents, an initiative aimed at supporting women in vulnerable situations and providing them with adequate conditions of hygiene and well-being.

10,000 new jobs have been announced for More Doctors, a program aimed at strengthening the South American giant’s healthcare fabric to ensure quality care for the population, especially in the most vulnerable areas.

In the same vein, Lula strummed that “we have raised the subsistence level to 600 reais ($125),” a set of fundamental fundamental rights that guarantee every human being a dignified life, specifically ensuring a decent minimum wage and in line with fundamental needs.

In his Sunday statement, the Labor Party founder pointed out that he met Pope Francis and heads of state at the Vatican this week “for the development of the world and the fight against inequality”.

The appointment as Pope was an opportunity to examine the convergence of expressions that characterize the bilateral and multilateral pattern of relations between the parties.

“The positions of Brazil and the Holy See are consistent on issues of peace and international security, disarmament and non-proliferation, human rights, refugees, globalization, fight against hunger and poverty, trade negotiations for development and environment,” said an official note. .

In meetings with foreign leaders, the former trade unionist increased dialogue and international cooperation for a fairer world.

In the publication, Lula reiterates that the country is making progress and that its government is determined to reclaim the rights of the Brazilian people.
