At least 13 people are killed in a Russian airstrike in Syria

At least 13 people were killed in a Russian bomb attack in Syria on Sunday 25th

At least 13 people, including children, were killed in a Russian airstrike in a rebelheld region in the northwest SyriaThis Sunday the 25th The attack is the deadliest of the year, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (OSDH), a nongovernmental organization based in Syria United Kingdom. The nine civilians, two of them minors, were killed in bombings in Idlib province. Most of them were in a city market, according to the OSDH. Another attack near Idlib killed another four people. “Six civilians were killed in Jisr al Shughur and three rebel fighters were killed by Russian shelling in the area,” said NGO director Rami Abdel Rahman. “These Russian airstrikes are the deadliest in Syria this year and constitute a massacre,” he added.

Russian forces allied to the Syrian regime Bashar Al Assad, bombed Idlib province last week in response to rebel drone strikes that killed four civilians, including two children. Russia is the main supporter of the Assad dictatorship and has intervened militarily in Syria since 2015. With the support of Russia and Iran, the Syrian regime was able to retake most of the territory it lost during the 2011 war sparked by the repression of prodemocracy demonstrations. The last stronghold of armed opposition to the regime covers large areas of Idlib province and areas bordering the Aleppo, Hama and Latakia regions.

*With information from AFP