In Greece, conservative party confirms landslide victory

In Greece, conservative party confirms landslide victory | world | Pleno.News

The New Democracy conservatives received more than twice as many votes as Syriza’s leftwing rivals


6/25/2023 4:01 p.m

Kyriakos Mitsotakis during a rally last Friday Photo: EFE/EPA/GEORGE VITSARAS

The partial count of Greece’s elections, with 95% of registered votes, confirmed the landslide victory of the country’s prime minister for the last four years, conservative Kyriakos Mitsotakis, in this Sunday’s elections (25).

The New Democracy, Mitsotakis’ party, emerged as of 4pm this Sunday with 40.55% of the vote count, which if it maintains that level of support would give it 158 ​​of the 300 seats in Greece’s parliament, giving it one seat absolute majority.

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The result was a new setback for the leftwing opposition party Syriza, and in particular for its leader, former Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who has just 17.84% of the vote, down even from last month’s election results.

The PasokKinal Social Democrats are in third place with 11.9% of the vote, followed by the Greek Communist Party with 7.65%.

The rightwing Spartans are in fifth place with 4.69%. Two more rightwing parties follow: Greek Solution (4.47%) and the antisystem Niki (3.71%) of theologian Dimitris Natsiós. Former Syriza MP Zoe Konstantopulu’s formation Travessia da Liberdade also overcome the 3% cut to gain parliamentary representation, which leftwing MeRA25 failed to do.

In the May 21 election, Nova Democracia came first with a similar percentage, but failed to secure an outright majority. Mitsotakis then refused to negotiate with his rivals to form a coalition government, knowing that all new elections would be held on the basis of a new electoral law granting bonus seats to the victor.

According to all surveys, the support for Mitsotakis in these elections is mainly due to his economic management. While the country’s economy has yet to reach predebt crisis levels of 2010, Greeks are taking credit for their work: pensions and wages are rising, investment is picking up, and the country is growing faster than the Union average. European.