Salaries of Eurocrats in response to Libe the manipulation of

Salaries of Eurocrats: in response to “Libé”, the manipulation of the European Commission Liberation


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Because our journalist Jean Quatremer had criticized the indecent increase in the salaries of European Union officials, he was accused by the Commission of disinformation… which does not shy away from distorting reality.

It is not every day that the Commission accuses a liberation movement journalist of misinformation, just as it did with every article by Boris Johnson when he was a Brussels correspondent in the early 1990s. However, to my knowledge I have not become an agent of Europhobic populism, a king of fake news, unlike Johnson whose lies and fabrications have been proven. How did the European executive come to call for the destruction of articles it deemed “false and misleading”?

On June 19th, in Liberation, I published a “note”, if you will, an editorial, in which I was outraged at the lavish salary increases given to civil servants and members of the European institutions, but also at their indecent salaries. In particular, I estimated that automatic indexing would reach 13% for the years 2022 and 2023, over two years. An estimate, since we will only know in January 2024 the final figure, applied retrospectively to 2023: it is calculated by Eurostat taking into account the purchasing power in ten public functions and the higher inflation in Brussels and Luxembourg City than in the both countries altogether.

I haven’t elaborated on the calculation as it isn’t