Alessandro Cecchi Paone Highly Armored Best Man The Top Secret

Alessandro Cecchi Paone, Highly Armored Best Man: The Top Secret Name Solo Spettacolo

Cecchi Paone Wedding SolospettacoloAlessandro Cecchi Paone-Solospettacolo (Instagram Photo)

Alessandro Cecchi Paone, returning from the island, announces the marriage with an armored witness. The Mystery of the Name.

Alessandro Cecchi Paone is back from experience a The island of the famouswhere he competed with his young companion Simone Antolini.

There is a 37-year difference between the two, as the scientific popularizer lived to be 61 while his partner was 23. But there seems to be a strong and deep feeling between them, so much so that the reality show experience ended prematurely just to remain united.

Simone actually accused of some illnesses and when his withdrawal from Honduras became necessary, Cecchi Paonand decided to follow him. Shortly before, he had already collided with the moderator Ilary Blasi He vented his threat to give up when told they would be attending as individuals and no longer as a couple.

However, he later withdrew and declared a superguidetv: “I wasn’t the only one invited to participate by the Isle of Famous. In September I was invited directly by Mediaset to take part in the reality show together with Simon. I agreed and immediately explained that we would go in and out together. So when I was told during the episode that we should have split up, I was against it because that wasn’t the deal. Simone was in the hospital too and I didn’t want to let him down.”

love and family

Already while participating The island of the famousWhere Alessandro Cecchi Paone wanted to convey a message of the normality of the gay couple together with their partner Simone Antolini, there was talk of a possible adoption of the daughter he had from a previous relationship.

TO My He explained, “He and I have been together for over a year and Melissa already calls me uncle. We got together in early 2022. I would like to adopt the little one and give her support.”

Cecchi Paone and Simone Love SolospettacoloThe love between Alessandro Cecchi Paone and Simone Antolini-Solospettacolo (Instagram photo)

Alessandro Cecchi Paone, great best man

To be able to adopt the baby melissa, who has apparently been living with the couple for a long time, since the mother works but marriage is necessary. And that’s exactly what he just announced Alexander Cecchi Paoneon the grounds that he is at the moment and Simone Antolini They are undecided between America and Spain.

And he admits: “The person I care about the most, my ex-wife, would like to go to Spain. And if we get married there, of course She will be our best man“. The man was married to from 1993 to 2003 Christina Navarroand the two parted on good terms.

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