After Evole we want to see Ana Rosa make Sanchez

After Évole, we want to see Ana Rosa make Sánchez white

Pedro Sánchez has gone on the counterattack and intends to win the elections by hand through his nose, appearing on TV, on the radio and even in the adaptation letter if necessary. Every day you set up the channel which is just an aquarium to create atmosphere and it seems like diving out there. Perhaps you overestimate the power of the media or your own. He wants to explain himself, show that he is not so bad, that he is not a robot, that he has a small heart, to destroy the super evil cartoon on the right. That was the main topic of the interview this Sunday evening with Jordi Évole: He wants to pierce the “sanchismo bubble” (that word) as a concept. It’s a battle against perception, against the clock.

Seven years after their first meeting in a bar when they had just thrown him out of the PSOE, this one now he fears they will throw him out again, but from Moncloa, it was at Casa Labra, a historic bar in the centre from Madrid. “The PSOE was founded here,” Évole told him, and he had to tell him twice because the president insisted on talking about his croquettes. It was too colloquial. He then said before the founder Pablo Iglesias, “The rest are pygmies.” He also went from humble to so human he wants to appear. He took the opportunity to smuggle in that “these established powers, who can do anything to remain in power,” were already conspiring against the Founder, just as they were against him, though man was already something of one established power is with what it has cost him.

But Évole immediately approached you and asked serious questions, cutting him off immediately when he went on autopilot (“I see you’re getting all the way up with the argument”) and telling him he wanted another interview because he had had many. The truth is that it came out. It concerned, shall we say, aspects of Sánchez’s idiosyncrasy that are key, because they are what anger those who hate him most. He focused on the character. Above all in the image of his contradictions, his tactical coldness, these malicious qualities. That’s why the interview was good and I can imagine that Sánchez thought so too, because he could explain what he never explains (sometimes it’s inexplicable and with the Sahara and Morocco he suffered again), or we believe him not when he does.

Sánchez immediately defined the framework of the game, “a Trumpist strategy” against him that has three fronts, enumerating: dehumanizing political opponents, challenging election results when they don’t meet your expectations, and violating legality. “What they call Sanchismo is a bubble they inflated based on three things: lies, manipulation and evil” (that was the main idea he wrote down, he said it a dozen times). “But could he have done something wrong?” Évole asked him. change of subject.

The first good question, one of those ones that makes you move in the chair to see what he’s saying, was when he admitted that he had Ana Rosa Quintana, Vicente Vallés, Carlos Herrera, El Mundo, Abc and La Razón ” null” interviews, in that order. . “Have you forgotten the people you don’t vote for?” Evole asked. “I didn’t stop working, I didn’t have four normal years.” In short, it was very busy. But he has given interviews to others, and he has recognized a mistake that is not really a mistake, sin of good because others are so bad: “I misjudged the corrosive power of many of the arguments propagated in these media. ‘ He continued to say that he saw a ‘mismatch’ in the media with a predominance of the conservative vision, announcing that he was now giving interviews in the enemy camp promising afternoons were ahead: ‘I have to be on all the shows be there.’ to play this bubble of lies, manipulation and malice’. I assume that although they didn’t call him, Federico Jiménez Losantos brought down Moncloa headquarters to ask the time to let the cyanide cool and call the sharpener.

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There’s no way of knowing if Sánchez improvised or prepared this tour, which we might call the Kamikaze Tour. Whatever the case, he is morbid and will draw attention to him. Even if things have to go well, of course, it’s about getting to the elections with both feet. It will also be an opportunity to see a disgruntled right wing guru develop that it is one thing to monologue to rant and another to conduct a serious interview. If you take away some of the false reports, they lead to nothing. Sánchez even admitted that not going to El Hormiguero (he will be going next week) was a mistake: “I think I should have gone a lot more times over the last four years to say some of the unfounded things about myself invalidate.” And for Ana Rosa he has already made reservations: “I hope to go to your program soon.” Well, Spaniards, be warned, Sánchez will pass by your houses during family hours so you can see that he is nobody eats.

But the truth, and to Évole’s credit, is that he’s already asked the same or better questions that someone who hates him would have asked. There was a long list of rude questions. For example, after showing him videos in which he said he would never agree with Bildu and ERC: “Do you have a credibility problem?” Sánchez had studied it himself and argued Socratically: “What does lying mean? Lying is saying something knowing it isn’t true with the intent to deceive. That’s one thing. Lies is March 11th and estimated time of arrival. Correcting or acknowledging mistakes is another matter entirely. For example, that I changed my position on the policy we had to follow in Catalonia? That’s obvious.” And he said that Catalonia are much better now than they were in 2017 or 2019, which is true. He defended this part, which was the most difficult for him, well. He found the philosopher’s stone for all attacks on this flank, including Bildu, in this idea: “The most important thing is not with whom to agree, but for what”, by the way, a delicate motto when applied to the PP and vox “If you ask me who would you agree with to achieve social progress? With every party.

The most personal part followed the same line and was the most successful. “I lack naturalness and authenticity in communication,” said the journalist. “I’m not perfect, Jordi” (Sentence of the evening: stop the machines). Do you find it difficult to be vulnerable? “No, but during the pandemic the public didn’t ask me to do that, they asked me for security, and I didn’t have it.” The course of the pandemic was interesting, he told it well, he made confessions. First, his wife, parents and father-in-law ended up in intensive care because of the Covid 19 infection. He slept for two hours and woke up drenched in sweat. “The doctors in Moncloa told me that I was suffering from a level of stress that I have not suffered from in my entire life.” Cried? “Of course I do, during the pandemic I cried with anger and frustration.” Have you ever had to see a psychologist? He said no, although he had done so in the past and would have had no problem going there. But he didn’t want to come across as just another famous person who goes public with how bad she is, that’s, shall we say, not very picky. The one who has fared poorly is his wife with the attacks he has suffered, he admitted. What hurt you the most? “I’m trying to assimilate myself and the PSOE with ETA.” The icing on the cake was this question: Were these changes of opinion a result of conviction or strategy for you? Because the response was wonderful: “For me it’s the conviction, there’s the result.” A contradiction in terms that Woody Allen would have subscribed to. The best thing was when, with a gesture of remorse, he finally admitted his main mistake, because in reality he didn’t do that either, but pointed out someone else’s and Évole hadn’t even asked him: the botch of yes is yes .

In the end, he returned to economic forces, which he placed behind media terminals. He didn’t elaborate: “Keep track of the money, the bonuses and those who think this country is theirs.” The shadow forces gave many minutes, too many. Évole stuck out his tongue in case it worked like he did in the interview seven years ago, but Sánchez didn’t get wet again. I do not know if there was a banker of a regional savings bank whom he did not ask his name and surname, but it seemed that it was just for pleasure to quote them on TV, with a transgressive intention, from Florentino Pérez on below because Sánchez mechanically replied that he had a “professional” relationship with them.

Pedro Sánchez was successful, the interview went well. And now we can’t wait for him to visit Ana Rosa and Federico to see them tear each other apart or even talk and they’re accused of money laundering. If he ends up winning the same, it may even be his credit.

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