Man finds a nasty surprise in his car its scary

Man finds a nasty surprise in his car, it’s scary | VIDEO NanoPress Travel

An unpleasant surprise in the car. What happened to this man who also managed to retake it?

Unpleasant surprise in the carUnpleasant surprise in the car –

Cars, the most common means of transport used by each of us on a daily basis. Safe means and undergoing various improvements every year. Many are really equipped with every comfort to make the stay pleasant even for those who, for work or other reasons, are forced to spend several hours of their day there. However, it sometimes happens that they can be the cause of minor inconveniences, for example, by welcoming unwanted guests. As in the case of today’s story that we are going to tell you now.

An unpleasant surprise in the car, that happened

Of today’s story, we certainly have to commend the cold-bloodedness of its protagonist. It’s not uncommon to come across it an unpleasant surprise if we talk about carsBut staying calm isn’t always easy. Especially when it comes to unwanted guests of considerable size.

We are located in Montrose, am Australia, where, as you know, insects can be quite different from ours. In this case we are talking about a spider. The insect is a larger spider than we Italians are usually used to seeing. Hairy and long-jointed, he managed to get into the van from the window.

The man decided to capture the incident on video and then attempted to remove the insect from the passenger compartment. Unfortunately with bad results. Given that venomous spiders are easy to come across in Australia and can be deadly to humans and animals, we assume he had to ask for help to repossess his car.

A spider in the car, what to do?

Regardless of the country of origin, it is not uncommon to come across these insects, regardless of the species to which they belong. Suppose they are particularly attracted to certain habitats.

Sometimes it can happen that you are near a plantation and the way to the cockpit becomes very easy for you. Spiders are very fond of environments such as basements and damp places, sometimes they may also be attracted to artificial light.

an unpleasant surpriseAn unpleasant surprise –

What to do in these cases? Normally You should try to remove them Proceed with extreme caution based on where you find them, especially if their degree of danger cannot be determined. Experts advise not to hurt him, obviously.

So keep calm, get a jar or container and try to drop them in. Sometimes a sheet of paper is enough. And then try to release them further away in the hope that they will find another, more favorable habitat for them.

In general, although the fear can be very great, It is not recommended to kill these animals. It is good to remember that these are insects that make an important contribution to our ecosystem, although encountering some of them is certainly not the encounter one hopes for.

The most feared spiders in Australia

Spiders can be an unpleasant surprise, especially in Australia. They are a major concern in this area, both for residents and tourists, compared to other parts of the world. Here are some of the most venomous species in the world, although we now know how to intervene. No deaths from a bite have been recorded since 1981, which is a comforting fact.

Nevertheless, great caution is required, especially when certain species occur. For example al cave spider, which is mainly found in the South Wales area. It is mainly found in home gardens or in swimming pools, as it loves humid environments. When threatened, it is very aggressive and has teeth the size of a snake. Above all, its poison gets directly into the nervous system, it is estimated that every sixth bite leads to death. Luckily there is an antidote!

a spider in the carA spider in the car –

Then there’s this Black widow, widespread in several Australian areas. Since he likes to be in dry places, it is advisable to be careful at home, in the garden sheds and now also in some mailboxes. The antidote for them has been around since the 1950s. Also in this case, the poison affects the nervous system, causing nausea, malaise and drowsiness. The most dangerous? female teeth.

do not forget me mouse spiders, so named because they love to dig very deep burrows. They are therefore mainly found near watercourses. Eight species are known and their peculiarity is that their venom can be treated with the same antidote used for cave spiders. However, there is no evidence that their bite can lead to death. In any case, it is good to pay attention to them!